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    DTX Personal Shuttle 1.0

    Game version
    Small shuttle made to carry players quickly throughout the sectors. Fitted with the new reactor system including a FTL chamber set to max distance for long jumps and a thrust reactor system to increase max speed.

    This is pretty much my first uploaded build as I don't do this often and am pretty bad at making good designs compared to the amazing ones I see. Also, I am learning how to upload designs.
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    5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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    Ok, I guess for the first upload the shipis pretty good. Here are the stars.

    As for the improvements:
    Try to be more creative with the control panel. Just slapping some displays isn't very cool. Try using some other blocks creatively ;-) Say, two consoles and a forcefield between them make a pretty good holoscreen... That's just an example.

    2) Those blue lights look somewhat out of place. I understand you're trying to imitate the engines, but actual engines look far better... Not to say some creative designs from the Engine Porn thread on forums (but those take a lot of space, which can be inapropriate for such a small build)

    3) USD? I see you added a docker on the rear, but it is quite inconvenient to be used with a standard-issue USD dcking point.

    4) A tiny detail, but if you rotate red cascades so they "pump" light rods into the main fuselage, this part will look even better