DSY Inc. Type-S Maverick

    DSY Inc. Type-S Maverick 2015-01-30

    Discreet Shipyard Inc. proudly reveals it's fully automatic smart salvager the Type-S Maverick. Applying advanced logics this autominer detects when there is no more asteroid to mine and then will just stop waiting for further instructions. As you will see like in the nightmare i put some effort in making it cozy inside it really is like the lazy miners dream, position the ship, turn on the autominer lay down rad a book and wait for it to be finished... Those RPers out there please gimme some feedback. Besides that i kept the build as simple as possible so that is why all the grey hull instead of some decent armor... well i wanted to keep it kinda cheap to craft you know. Yeah i know i has some expensive stuff in it but also provides you with a lot of options :)

    Thrust/Mass: 433 / 486
    LHW: 26/11/33
    Power: 57715 / 75353
    Shield: 17857 / 786

    2 x Missile/Beam/Explosive 12/4/12 |3500 damage
    Salvage beam 84
    Radar Jammer
    Jump Drive 189/244


    maverick_1.jpg maverick_2.jpg maverick_3.jpg maverick_4.jpg maverick_5.jpg
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    Reactions: Aran
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    4.33 star(s) 3 ratings

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    Four stars. it was a bit hard to navigate the ship. i did not know what did what in the next version please resolve this problem by putting a sign next to the salvager button telling you what it is
    How did you make it detect when it's done?
    ahh someone seeing the real difference to the other miners out there :) that is what the logic does figuring out that if for a certain ammount of time being in one state it probably is the case that there is nothing more to mine anymore and then just stop everything.
    Impressive work on the logic and nice ship layout, would have given 5 stars if the third (manually operated) salvage array didn't fire through the habitable areas of the ship.

    Did happen to notice that if viewing from the camera facing down that the 3rd array would fire in that direction. Bug or new undocumented feature?, either way if the 3rd array ways laid out for this fire mode it would be nearly ideal for a mid-sized salvaging ship.
    Thanks for the review. i guess that's a bug.