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    Culter Dei Class Battlecruiser (Outdated elements, power/shields broken) 1.3

    KBF Culter Dei Light Battlecruiser *Infinite Legion Utility Inhibitor not supplied

    With a heavy focus on Logic Weapons & Armor Tanking, she does quite well in a head to head. However as I didn't think the design fit well with many turrets or could house & effectively use large power supply systems, so the DPS is quite low for the weight, which with a lot of Advanced, Standard & Blast door armor is sitting pretty at 36k Mass.

    Offensively she has a large suite of weapons, with smaller utility weapons player fired & primaries run on logic to take advantage of a vast number of weapons outputs on the cheap, of note is a Heavy-bore beam-cannon-punch weapon & a sequenced cannon-pulse-punch system. A powerful Pulse-Pulse-Pierce is also included and positioned to emit from the front most "hud" light, for dealing absolutely horrific internal damage to large immobile vessels* or stations *like, really immobile.

    For defense is moderate shield capacity & onboard recharge, a mid sized self powered shield supply unit, very heavy armor plating, chaff/anti missile drone swarm, and a docked & Ionized armor element. While this is a very powerful combination against missiles & alpha damage, it will wither under constant high pen dps, increases it's weight significantly, and so is not well suited for independant action.

    I hope you enjoy the overall look, which was largely inspired by; Real World Litoral Combat Vessels & Vaygr Empire (the SM one) aesthetics. But must say that there is next to NO interior on this ship.

    File to be unzipped into blueprint folder, this is not a .sment file.

    Docked Armor element must be "activated" by using the transporter, and turning on its Ion effect.

    Core room is designed with KBF Spec Sit-o-port technology in mind, you need to be able to press the "sit" key on a wedge to make efficient use of this vessel. Apologies in advance.
    First release
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