Corellian Engineering Corporation YT-2400  "Outrider"

    Corellian Engineering Corporation YT-2400 "Outrider" 1.1

    very nice ship
    Definitely looks cool! But is it the fastest cargo freighter in the galaxy o.O
    Just wanted to thank you once again for making one of my ship requests a reality. The outrider YT-2400 Series is my favorite personal starship that is not strictly built for the Rebellion or the Empire. I fell in love with it since I first saw it in SOTE on my N64 back in the day. I later got to fly it around in the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies.

    When I came to SM, I DLed a ship called the 'Ultimate Falcon.' Some of you may know this ship as it is a larger version of the Falcon, loaded with an accurate interior, and many of the same features this ship has. I contacted the author and requested an 'Ultimate Outrider,' but didn't feel up to it.

    This ship is loaded with detail on both the exterior and interior as well. The measly screenshots posted above do not do this ship any justice at all. If you like Star Wars, then you need to DL this ship, if only to look around for a few minutes. $10 says you'll feel it was worth the time and effort.

    A lot of the features are mentioned above. Some more detailed information about the turrets is that they can be manned by players. The service tunnel leads to the dorsal and ventral turrets just like in the Falcon. There is a wedge for you to sit on in front of the turret's core. This will keep you inside the ship when you exit the core. The seat below the turret rotates as the turret rotates just like the scene from ANH.

    Also, there is a button in the cockpit that will cut power and cause red emergency light to come on. In the engineering section there is a pit for the player to get into, sound familiar? From here there is a button that will reactivate the lights and "restore power."

    On the port side of the ship where the crew quarters are located there is the head or lavatory. It has a walk in shower with a glass door. Now since the Transporter pad update, I've found it very helpful, especially if I don't want to take the time to dock or land. But Transporters are in Star Trek and this is Star Wars.

    So in order to have a transporter on the ship, but have it hidden in plain sight was the goal behind making it the shower stall. If you want total RP then the pad is the shower drain on the floor the the computer is the water temperature interface.

    Anyways I've said enough already. Just DL the ship and enjoy! Oh, and if you have a good request for something no one has made yet, don't hesitate to PM White. Also check out all his CC. His logic skills are off the rail....literally!
    Excellent ship, has everything you need from looks to functionality, well made!
    a Masterpiece!! A-mazing!