Chaindrive XL

    Chaindrive XL 3

    This is explicitly regarding the new Mk 2.

    Yay, Drive works, and is far less laggy on my computer than the previous version.

    However, the first difficulty I have is that, unless I'm docked to something, it will auto-jump. (I'm assuming this is a result of lag, causing that tiny bit "extra" charge that triggers a jump)

    So, the next bit of difficulty:
    Which of the inner ship remotes does what?
    If they had labels, they didn't survive the export, so I'm basically bashing rocks together to figure out what does what.
    (and isn't it funny how this being the "future version", it is even worse labled than the first one?

    I'm guessing that some of my problems wouldn't exist if I knew enough to build my own drive, but if I did, I wouldn't be here downloading yours, would I? ;)