Block Shop Mk6

    Block Shop Mk6 1.0

    Game version

    Created by Plusnine, Prime & Sandbag

    For Selling filled Blueprints & meta items on servers~
    Compact design for easy decoration~

    The Block Shop Mk6 has a single function. It stores an item for sale, then delivers that item on payment being put into the chest below the display. The Display shows the transaction on offer. Use of Faction system can allow for sales to players when away from the server. Admin/Server can use this to distribute spare helmets/meta items. Players can use this to trade Blueprints (filled/copies).

    We use this in combination with the Duckets Mod to allow for higher value sales in a single block.

    This Blueprint is setup to deliver a meta item for a single metal grill.
    Changing the the payment block is easy, take a look at the storage pull rules.
    The top row is payment, bottom row is product for sale.
    The chest under the display must have both payment & product set in pull rules.

    Copy/Paste may "forget" the storage block filters, so pay attention to those links.
    A video will follow - Block Shop MK6 Explained.

    First release
    Last update
    0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

    More resources from Tomino_sama