Bexar Class Frigate

    Bexar Class Frigate 1.0

    A ship originally designed for submission in a server-wide contest for a beginner's pirate hunting ship on the GenXnova server, HighGuard Enterprises has since modified the ship slightly for offer here.


    Basic interior includes the bridge, port and starboard docking which can be easily updated to USD specs if required, crew quarters, dual cargo bays with a total of 36,000 volume capacity. Interior design aspects were heavily influenced by a variety of sources, most notably NuclearFun's ships. Secondary turrets were incorporated from the Paladin class light cruiser.


    An 8 barrel rapid fire cannon with punch-through effect is the primary weapon, backed by a number of lock-on missile batteries for a very heavy punch. Defensive systems provide radar jamming, shield boosts against ion weapons and armor hardening against weapons with the punch-through effect. A jump drive is also installed.


    A switch in the Bridge will power down all stations and lights while the ship is docked, and all regulation navigation lights automatically shut off while the ship is docked. A single pad transporter provides additional ingress/egress to the vessel. On board berthing for up to 8 crew members are provided.

    Field tests are planned to be complete in the next several months.

    We at HighGuard feel this ship would be excellent for anyone wishing to embark on a career in hunting pirates, or even other targets of opportunity. As always, our ships are constantly undergoing refinement and improvement and feedback is welcomed. Our customer service personnel are highly trained and welcome the opportunity to hear what you might have to say.

    Further pictures of the interior and exterior can be found in this Imgur album.
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    Reactions: facc00 and PLIX
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    Another awesome HGE ship!