ASDF DDC-2 Uskang

    ASDF DDC-2 Uskang 2018-3-31

    She's simply magnificent... Looking forward to seeing your other ships...
    Tamren Shade
    Tamren Shade
    Thanks! I have the El'Druin close to being ready, and I'd like to get started on the Lancer tonight. :D
    Looks good so far. I hope you're working on updating your other ships as well, I'd love to see how you try to go around the new update ;)
    Tamren Shade
    Tamren Shade
    Thanks, I plan on it! I really want to revisit the Winter, but I'll probably update the Areadhbar and Lancer first.

    I started back up on my survival server and we could really use the mining variant of my cutter I've been thinking about doing for a while :)