Archer-class missile frigate

    Archer-class missile frigate Mk19

    - Removed main jump drive in favor of an asynchronous shootout rail chain drive (tech by alterintel )
    - Bumped up shield cap to 1.25 million (retained 60% Ion bonus)
    - Main cannon changed to cannon/cannon(70%)/punch-through (8 outputs, 2000 damage/shot)
    - Upped power cap to enable firing both missile arrays at once
    upped thrust/mass ratio to 1:1
    - Minor cosmetic changes in interior
    - Added 2 small storage rooms (opening from engineering) to increase shipboard cargo capacity (So the crew quarters won't be filled with boxes. The crew was grateful for this.)
    - Stats updated (see stats in main post)
    - Switched main cannon to 100% cannon support, 50% Overdrive. Recommended to use bursts instead of constant fire along with jammer and thrusters will drain reserves.
    - Created a total 9.4K cargo capacity
    - Black armor degraded to standard to spare mass
    - 60% Ion shield reinforcement installed to compensate weaker armor and shields
    - Conformal drone rack for 2 updates Shrike starfighters included again
    - Changed gravity elevator to rail elevator between decks 2 and 3
    - Minor cosmetic changes on walkways, med bay, mess hall
    - Stat clarifications on main page
    - Reworked main cannon, stop machine gun, updated missile stats
    - Jump inhibitor added
    - Changed cannon/cannon/stop to beam/cannon/stop
    - Changed cannon/cannon/punch to cannon/cannon/explosive
    - Added 2 rear point defense turrets to better protect against missiles coming from the back of the ship.
    Since CC blueprint uploads are broken, I'm posting the Dropbox link to the .sment
    Blueprint reverted to pre-rail version, re-uploading
    -Reworked missiles and power storage to accomodate changes. Switched Ion to Explosive on second missile battery.
    - Switched interior to basic hull to reduce mass.
    - Added some more thrust
    - Fine tuned main jump drive to compensate the increased mass from advanced armor.
    - Installed all 6 point defense
    - Longbow turrets have standard armor for reduced mass

    New stats:
    Replaced the drone docks with a utility dock and placed inner ship remote and wireless logic block in cockpit; currently 2 modules available: 2 Shrike drones on rack, remotely undockable; salvage module with connected storage, remotely operated.

    To use the modules, connect the wireless logic block in the Archer's cockpit to module's wireless after mounting the module; activation can be then done either manually from cockpit, or using the inner ship remote from quickbar.

    Both modules included on a frame with blueprint.

    - Reworked rail turrets:

    - Reworked cannons: punch-through has less groups, faster fire rate, better DPS
    - point defense turret slots reduced to 6 (currently 4 occupied) until issues are fixed
    - Shrikes can now be undocked from the quickbar
    - Added logic controlled airlocks
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    Reactions: aceface
    Overhauled engines, updated stats.