809 Ravage

    809 Ravage 2019-09-08

    I'm sitting on one of the bunks with the light turned out scratching my head trying to figure out where the residual blue glow is coming from... I figured it out and you are an absolute genius.

    Your artistic talent just leaves me speechless 10/10
    Still learning from this ship, it's so cool, the only thing i wold partially dislike is the front part, i don't reply like the angle, asome job anyway.
    I've only just downloaded this ship, And it's already my pride and joy. I love how some of the doors have locks, and the screens with things like the kitchen rules are wonderful. particularly the note on the one in the bridge with the reactor power.
    The bridge note to inform the captain was actually from JW608 original ship. I kept it in because it was funny :D
    I always love a great looking ship!
    Amazing Co-Lab! The two distinct build styles blended really well.