New profile posts

    Starting a big project.
    Hoping to meet a Saturday goal.
    Well I got maybe 80% of the way there, Unfortunately I wont have time to finish before Saturday.
    Should be finished around Wednesday maybe.
    Welp its finished...
    Except a crucial error was made, and I have to re-do the entire thing ;-;
    It is what it is.
    Alright, everything was redone, and I'm on schedule for a release either Saturday or Sunday.
    With my computer situation stabilized, an April shipyard update will definitely be coming.

    I was going to transition to seasonal updates, rather than monthly ones, but of course I had to miss the ending of winter xD
    My community challenge plans have been foiled by a corrupted drive :/
    Replacement should be coming within the next week.
    Less than two weeks left, I hope you can still put together a submission.
    With luck I should be able to finish one of my submissions.
    My original idea will unfortunately have to wait until after.
    Alas, there was about an hour of work left by the time the due date rolled around.

    Not that I'm going to let that stop me obviously.
    Just means I'll have to compensate, by making more racing ships ;)
    Just booted up Starmade from my new PC, felt good to see that the Cake Network kept all my stuff. :)
    Welp, it's been two years, and it's January (I missed the 8th, dammit). Time for a status update? I guess?

    So uhhh, see y'all again in 2025... Or maybe tomorrow. Live life unpredictably, you know?
    Hello there, old friend :daverolleyes:
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    Hello Cookie!! Could never forget you, hope you are doing well :davecool: It was a while imagine it was 2015 we met, 8 yeras ago!!
    I need help with this. This happens whenever I try to talk to a character, while I play local gameplay:

    I move up to a trader, press “R” to talk and a message appears saying “(SERVER]: Warning: Script failed to execute!” (see log)
    Yea, the Trader is currently broken. I'm not sure if/when he has a fix coming.
    Thanks a lot, it frustrated me😃 all clear now.
    When can I get the finished Project Orion? It looks amazing and I'd really like to be able to use it with power system 2.0
    I know I haven't posted my monthly update yet, but I've been looking through all the Build Initiative submissions, and was planning on posting it after I go through them
    Work on logic system - success
    Work on something else on ship
    Test logic system - no longer works right
    We must spread the flame of knowledge to masses, even if we must do it one stake at a time.