New profile posts

    Looks like current events have brought out people's true colors, from top to bottom (some for the better and some for worse) and "survival mode" is now a reality that can't be ignored.

    Think you can win this game? Time to find out what you're made of.

    Everyone stay safe, keep your wits about you and wash your damn hands. 😎
    Hey, your F-302 is really good. I'm building my own(Much smaller lol) version of the BC - 304, because the one on the docks is old and kindy klunky now.
    Would you mind if I designed the hangers with your F - 302's for scale and probably as the permanent compliment of fighters?
    Reilly Reese
    Reilly Reese
    Sorry for the late response! Yeah you can absolutely use my 302 if you want!. :D
    I’m having problemes with the prospekt‘s hull, other t’han that, i for got to Upload the rest of the interior album, definetly not my month
    Hey ! J'avais pas reconnu. La forme depuis le temps? Je me suis remis récemment à starmade mais jai perdu tous mes bp, les boules
    Aucun pour le moment, fais moi signe quand tu migres en mp du coup =)
    Ca roule ! Et je repensais notamment à ton super ascenseur a code que j'avais save :(
    Oh mon dieu je revois le sous sol infernal avec la logique, rip xd
    You recently mentioned in a post getting 3DMax or something like that. I recommend Blender. Recent updates have made it a bit easier to use than its reputation suggests. You can create moving parts, and create animations.