New profile posts

    Hey, thank you so much for the review of the Raider Class. Can I get the blue print of the modified ship? I hope you keep doing these show cases. I have lots of ships, I have one that is focused heavily on interior decoration and hidden passages.
    Monarch Class Carrier | StarMade Dock
    Thank you for your recent review! Could you please review my Raider Class ship as well?
    Sure. You want me to do some build tips as well?
    Dire Wolf
    Dire Wolf
    sure. keep in mind they are pvp ships. There are some features that are for practical reasons, the bridge core is for example is to allow quick access to the ship from the bridge while hiding the core from players trying to break onto the ship. The versions of ships I use have added anti-personnel systems. I didn't include them in the uploaded version. Thank you so much!
    Bought a new computer, and RRS does nothing although it says it is enabled. Maybe this has something to do with Starloader saying it is disabled, but my other mods still work.
    Yeah, I can now confirm that that bug happens on my end as well. It doesn't produce a stack trace though, which makes this somewhat challenging. I will investigate.
    Alright, I've uploaded a new version that might have at least partially fixed it. Not sure though.
    I now have a better understanding of why the issue happens. I haven't TRULY fixed it as some of it has to do with native StarMade code, but the latest update should make it a lot less common if it still happens at all.
    If it does happen anyway, you'll just have to delete your world's player file and use admin commands to restore your faction and items when you respawn. Sorry about that.
    Hello! I remember a post of yours in which you provided rigorous advice on how to system our ships. It contained equations which allowed us to calculate the needed block-count for the main system types, if we knew the available internal volume.

    It was either a thread or a reply to a thread, but I can't find it anymore. If it still exists, could you please point to it? Thanks :)
    With RRS, planets and gas giants are too rare.
    Seems to be fixed in the latest update for the scanner.
    Now occurs once again, but only terrestial planets fail to generate.
    Found out that they actually generate properly and are shown on the map, but the Astrometric Scanner ignores them until they are visited.
    The page for RRS says its latest version is .71e, and the history tab says the same, but according to the mod page's "updates" tab, it is .71b.
    Correct. There were several patches without any gameplay changes and thus without any patch notes. These just contained internal changes for debugging purposes.
    can i make a request i tried to follow your video tutorial for making a Starmade mod to make an "Uncrafter refinery" but i cant find the rest of the eps so can i ask you to either make the mod or at least point me to a full guide since yours seems to stop at setting up the workspace?
    In terms of your rating for RRS, what other mods have you installed? I am asking that because it constantly crashes for me.
    all of them pretty much (Skies Of Eden). You can send in your logfile on the starloader discord (linked in starmade discord under #modding) and we can have a lookt at it.
    I have question for you if you dont mind answering.
    How hard would it be to make a disassembly factory type block? like the one you have in RRS but for vanilla blocks?
    Would you be able to just reverse the crafting chain or would you need new recipes?
    For each non deprecated ElementInformation, you'd want to access the "consistence" property, which is the factory recipe, and make a new entry in your custom refinery's recipes that is just the literal inverse of that recipe - taking a FactoryResource containing one of the block and outputting all of the things in the consistence.
    thank you for the information any idea where the rest of jake's tutorial vids got to?
    No clue.
    Something constantly crashes 0.202.113 when loading a world after I enabled RRS. The world was created after I enabled it. [2022-03-11 20:01:36] java
    It still crashes constantly after the hotfix.
    This is a StarMade-scope error that doesn't appear to have direct association with RRS. I have no clue how to fix it. Your game installation or world file may simply be broken somehow.
    I don't think, because if I disable all mods it works fine.
    hi saw that you are a still active mod maker quick question if i want to change how much a Storage block holds by default what line of code should i change?
    big thank you for that the whole 100 units of cargo per storage block really messed with me as i had a ship with a whole station salvaged inside it from before they implemented the limits leading to a metric butt tonne of material being vented anytime i loaded the world causing an instant crash
    I have another question for you if you dont mind answering.
    How hard would it be to make a disassembly factory type block? like you pour complex items into it via a storage and it returns the materials used to make them.
    Would you be able to just reverse the crafting chain or would you need new recipes?
    no experience with that, ask Ithirahad.