New profile posts

    Thank you to whoever cleaned up the spambots
    hey guys (I am new to this game) is starmade demo only able to join servers that are hosted on starmade demo or can it join any?
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    I think you can join any, don't think there's any difference between the two versions, at least not yet.

    EDIT: just checked, I can join a server just fine, there doesn't seem to be any restrictions
    bit of a funny place to ask a question here on your own profile
    but the demo is currently the full game, you can join any server you're want as long as it doesnt need you to be whitelisted first
    iirc when the game finally gets into beta the demo version will not be updated anymore
    building nonstop for 3 days straight sure is a drain, I even had to take an emergency break before I burned out. I never want to live through another Prospekt, brrr..

    but it's almost done...almost.
    The Universe update approaches... :oops:

    Time to go refit the Axis fleet again.
    All I want for Christmas is Uuuuuniverse, right? :D
    I noticed the "0.300" game versions appearing in the pre-build branch, but can't launch either of them. I get "Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile"

    I follow starmade development only here and in the game launcher, so I'm clueless as to what's going on. Sure would be nice to get something new from Schine, but aren't these prebuilds player-made?
    Dr. Whammy
    Dr. Whammy
    From what I've been told; the new pre-builds are mostly player made but it seemed to be Schema himself who announced it on the StarMade Discord channel.

    There's an updated launcher available on their Discord that is required to test out the new features (your existing launcher won't work) I'll send you a link when I get home if you haven't grabbed it already.
    Hi Andy, in your last message you mention arrows with numbers in the launcher (I'm assuming there is an attached image). The problem is that now I can't view my tickets. Why? I get this message "
    Oops! We ran into some problems.
    You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action."
    It looks like you used the feature to submit a ticket without being logged in to the registry.

    The e-mail you got from the ticket reply, should have a URL to get you back into the ticket.
    If not, just login to the registry and create a new one. I can copy the contents and explained things in again then.

    - Andy
    It's been a while.

    Even as I branch out to other games and follow new life pursuits, I always come back here to lurk from time to time.

    I figured I'd stop by and say hello to those who still visit this forum. Thank you all for over a decade of adventures, inspiration, laughs and all around good times.

    Until we meet again among the stars... o7
    It's been 10 years for me, 10 years since I was a flame-baiting crybaby. While I regret my childish actions, I don't regret the hard lessons that took forever for me to swallow. But I wish StarMade was as active as it was when the Yogstorm came. This game had such potential to be the next "Minecraft" style game. I wish to play with others still, anyone at this point. Just for that bit of nostalgia I suppose.
    you still build spaceships? played any other space builders?
    Yes, I still build spaceships. Starbase, other than that KSP(maybe? at a stretch?)
    Of course after already building the Starclipper, EC Henry posts a new video on it today which includes a render of the interior:

    It is interesting that we put the beds at the exact same place, I just with some asymmetry, and a deeper nook.
    Might do a refit though eventually.