Zodapop's Ultra-Grand-Special Classification System

    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    This is my fantastically comprehensive classification system, measured in blocks. I recommend that you instantly begin to use it. Wipe all memory of other systems from your minds. Look upon it, my system, and be dazzled.

    Military Ship Classes

    50 or less - Thinker

    50.1 - 100 - Pelvis

    100.1 - 150- Validating

    150.1 - 200- Licorice

    200.1 - 250 - Showman

    250.1 - 300 - Amphetamine

    300.1 - 600 - Catchment

    600.1 - 900 - Oppresor

    900.1 - 1500 - Replay

    1500.1 - 2000 - Protractor

    2000.1 - 3500 - Tightness

    3500.1 - 5000 - Bandy

    5000.1 - 8000 - Snarl

    8000.1 - 10000 - Coexistance

    10000.1 - 15000 - Trickery

    15000.1 - 20000 - Provincial

    20000.1 - 30000 - Foregrounding

    30000.1 - 40000 - Repute

    40000.1 - 60000 - Wetter

    60000.1 - 100000 - Cellar

    100000.1 or more - Halibut

    Carrier Ship Classes

    5000 or less - Zodiacal Township

    5000.1 - 15000 - Usurious Centigram

    15000.1 - 50000 - Ascendent Perquisite

    50000.1 - 100000 - Horsiest Breastbone

    100000.1 or more - Disembodied Muumuu

    Salvage Ship Classes

    100 or less - Thermionic?

    100.1 - 1500 - Unsanctioned?

    1500.1 - 10000 - Collectivist?

    10000.1 - 50000 - Illusive?

    50000.1 or more - Descant?

    Cargo Ship Classes

    300 or less - Athwart

    300.1 - 1000 - Astraddle

    1000.1 - 4000 - Contra

    4000.1 - 8000 - Outshout

    8000.1 - 12000 - Anent

    12000.1 or more - Opuscule

    Passenger/Troop Ship Classes

    150 or less - Jiggers!

    150.1 - 600 - Fie!

    600.1 - 6000 - Howdy!

    6000.1 - 20000 - Zap!

    20000.1 - 50000 - Gesundheit!

    Special Classes

    Spanish Hashtag - Military vessel focusing on side to side combat

    Penguin-Locked Devices - Military vessel usually lacking in forward guns, covered in turrets, containing hangar space. Used as defense installations or fighter transport and support during battles. May also function to carry repair ships, salvage ships, or landing craft.

    Hiatus' Soul - Small, agile craft for exploration and recon.

    Bread and Butter - Small ship with radar jamming ability, used to get a measure of enemy numbers without detection.

    Mountain Dew Cola - Ship capable of jamming and cloaking simultaneously and indefinitely. Used for up-close infiltration missions.

    The BEEEEESSSSS! - Unmanned fighter craft usually docked to a carrier ship.

    At - Massive space weapon, think Death Star, Centerpoint (Star Wars), Vejer (Star Trek), The Eclipse Cannon (Sonic the Hedgehog), and things like this. Planet killers.
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    I thought you thought for some reason that they weren\'t English, and that English was your first language. But it evidently isn\'t, and Google likely doesn\'t use some of them because several of them are not, exactly, common.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Your first language is english?

    Gesundheit is german, that is why I thought you would at least use words translateable to german...

    I know this forum uses english as primary language because everybody has to know it ... but don\'t forget about the many peoples not speaking english their whole life and with others which teach them these words :)