So, I know what most of you will be thinking: "oh great, another suggestion for round and/or flat planets, even though it's been shown again and again that they don't work, and it isn't what most of the community wants". Well, I've found a couple of block-based space games that have uniquely shaped planets that I think are interesting, and I'd like to show them to you.
First of all, there's Planets3 (or "planets cubed").
Concept art:
As you can see, the planets here are cube-shaped. (cubed? planets-cubed? get it? no? ok.) Also, objects get less detailed the farther away you get from them, which would definitely (maybe) solve much of Starmade's lag problem if that feature were added. Other than that, though, Planets3's cube-shaped planets wouldn't add much to Starmade in terms of realism, but it might be an interesting gimmick considering everything else in this game is cube-shaped (including, unfortunately, many players' ships). It might also allow constructions that span more than one planetary segment, due to each segment's blocks being aligned at 90 degrees to each other.
The other, and, arguably more interesting game is Galaxy55.
Yes, that's right. You just saw that. ROUND planets. As in, Legitimately round planets, with a capital "L". They actually use non-Euclidian geometry to create the illusion of round planets. The wiki explains how it works:
"On planet creation, you are presented with a view of a round planet. Not only is that planet NOT the planet you end with, even the shape is fake.
The planet have internal coordinate system. You can view your current coordinates if you press F. Before Alpha 2, this coordinates always have X from 0 to 255, Y from 0 to 255 and Z from 0 (or 1) to 127. The Z is height: you can't go to Z=0 because there are unminable blocks there and you can't go higher than 127 because you can't build block on z=127. The other two coordinates are cyclic: for every x coordinates [x,0] and [x,255] are next to each other and the same is true for Y.
In Alpha 3, some planets can be bigger, for example 384 x 384, but with same shape.
There is one shape which behaves like this: toroid (think doughnut, with hole). But on toroid, there would be places where you would see the other side of planet above you, which never happens in Galaxy55. Instead, the block around you looks curved as if you would be on a round planet, but on round planets any two (non-parallel) straight lines would intersect twice. You can check by yourself that they only intersect once.
Therefore, the shape of the planet is fake: there is NO 3D object which would look as your planet. Enjoy your non-euclidean world. "
Needless to say, I have NO idea whether or not this could even work in Starmade, or in the Schine engine, for that matter. I guess that's for schema and Calbiri to figure out.
Any thoughts?
First of all, there's Planets3 (or "planets cubed").
Concept art:


As you can see, the planets here are cube-shaped. (cubed? planets-cubed? get it? no? ok.) Also, objects get less detailed the farther away you get from them, which would definitely (maybe) solve much of Starmade's lag problem if that feature were added. Other than that, though, Planets3's cube-shaped planets wouldn't add much to Starmade in terms of realism, but it might be an interesting gimmick considering everything else in this game is cube-shaped (including, unfortunately, many players' ships). It might also allow constructions that span more than one planetary segment, due to each segment's blocks being aligned at 90 degrees to each other.
The other, and, arguably more interesting game is Galaxy55.

Yes, that's right. You just saw that. ROUND planets. As in, Legitimately round planets, with a capital "L". They actually use non-Euclidian geometry to create the illusion of round planets. The wiki explains how it works:
"On planet creation, you are presented with a view of a round planet. Not only is that planet NOT the planet you end with, even the shape is fake.
The planet have internal coordinate system. You can view your current coordinates if you press F. Before Alpha 2, this coordinates always have X from 0 to 255, Y from 0 to 255 and Z from 0 (or 1) to 127. The Z is height: you can't go to Z=0 because there are unminable blocks there and you can't go higher than 127 because you can't build block on z=127. The other two coordinates are cyclic: for every x coordinates [x,0] and [x,255] are next to each other and the same is true for Y.
In Alpha 3, some planets can be bigger, for example 384 x 384, but with same shape.
There is one shape which behaves like this: toroid (think doughnut, with hole). But on toroid, there would be places where you would see the other side of planet above you, which never happens in Galaxy55. Instead, the block around you looks curved as if you would be on a round planet, but on round planets any two (non-parallel) straight lines would intersect twice. You can check by yourself that they only intersect once.
Therefore, the shape of the planet is fake: there is NO 3D object which would look as your planet. Enjoy your non-euclidean world. "
Needless to say, I have NO idea whether or not this could even work in Starmade, or in the Schine engine, for that matter. I guess that's for schema and Calbiri to figure out.
Any thoughts?