[WIP] Distort Mod Toolchain

    Apr 3, 2015
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    Hey citizens,

    I've spent the better part of the last two weeks porting across FabricMC's mod toolchain over to StarMade. It's not ready for everyone to use yet, but it's sourcecode is available to download and experiment with until I sort out the last remaining tasks.

    TL;DR: There's a mod loader, mod builder, example mod and a API remapper that's all opensourc on Github DistortSM

    Distort Reality - distortsm/Reality

    This repository will be where the community (including you) will maintain mappings from StarMade's internal APIs that are obfuscated to something friendly.

    Each release of StarMade will have it's mappings under a branch named after the version on the repository. As each release goes live, maintainers and anyone else wanting to contribute may help keep the mappings up to date and add newly discovered entries.

    Distort Navigator - distortsm/distort-navigator

    The build plugin for Gradle that is used for compiling mods, setting up Intelij, Eclipse, et al.

    Fabric-Loader - distortsm/fabric-loader

    Currently a fork of FabricMC's fabric-loader which contains changes that are ready for loading mods into StarMade, patching the game live and launching it.

    So far it supports loading mods into the local client. the server mod loading will be done after I get some sleep.

    The changes made to support StarMade may be pushed upstream to FabricMC, otherwise a renamed fork may be maintained to distinguish the loader being specific to StarMade.

    Distort Example Mod - distortsm/distort-example-mod

    Yes, this is an example mod that prints out
    Hello Fabric world!
    It hopefully demonstrates the use of Mixins and Distort Navigator to build a mod that's ready for loading into StarMade using fabric-loader


    The last things to do, is set up some documentation, use CI/CD to push the above packages to maven, probably chose a better naming scheme and polish off the mod loading.
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