whooplaah Council App

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    Master Owl
    Jan 3, 1970
    Reaction score
    Username whooplaah

    Responses in this application will be posted publicly in a voting thread.

    Timezone (GMT): Central (CDT -6)

    How much time are you able to commit to being on the council per week? 4-8 hours

    How long have you been playing StarMade? I bought Starmade in 2013, I believe. I tend to play more in the months following content releases and sometimes take month-long breaks between feature-updates.

    What’s your playstyle in StarMade? I play on servers so that I can share my creations with others and see other ships in action. I prefer to build rather than fly or fight.

    Most of my time is usually spent on building space stations - I have a problem where I build them really, really big. I also try to incorporate RP into my gameplay, building structures that fit into a story for my faction (Stellar Horizon). By favorite so far has been The Ruins of Old Earth.

    "We came unto the Age of Production,
    but forgot how to control consumption.

    We were warned the Earth might burst,
    if we could not control our thirst.

    But we went on and paid no heed,
    the catalyst for our foul deed.

    The planet gave a mighty crack,
    and then there was no turning back.

    With cannons primed and drives engaged,
    we moved into the Cosmic Age.

    We brave the void, and set out eyes on
    worlds anew; the Stellar Horizon."

    What are some qualities you think you posses that would make you a good council member? I am a professor of sociology, so my job hinges upon surveys and public sentiment. I've won more than a few awards for my writting - mostly through my university.

    I also program as a hobby, and though I'm not that good I know more about code than your average shmoe (specifically HTML/CSS, Java, and Unity C#).

    What are some of your weaknesses? I over-analyze sometimes, and get hung up on details. I can also tend to be a perfectionist, and stress over small things rather than moving on.

    What motivates you to become a council member? I think Starmade has great potential and can serve as a mechanism for a world of gaming experiences. Aside from bragging rights, I want to be a Council Member to help Schine and the Developers focus their talents and skills into making Starmade the best game ever. If I can help free up some of their time by funneling information, suggestions, and public opinion then by golly I'll do it.

    Also, this is a unique approach to game development that I haven't seen in any of the other Early-Access games I've bought. As a sociologist, I want to be part of this social experiment - preferably from the inside.

    How do you contribute to the community currently? I'm more active in the Suggestions thread than general discussions. I like to stay on top of what new features are up-coming, and try to direct the game towards what I think would be the best type of play. I also like seeing other people's ideas and brainstorming the potentiality of Starmade.

    All warnings, active or inactive will be posted on your application.


    Big Brother
    Jul 20, 2014
    Reaction score
    Avoid making a double post. Instead EDIT your last post if no one has replied.Aug 18, 2014
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