Today I decided to tell one of my many,ambiance,I hope the devs are already thinking about this so lets start.
Hanger quarters:You will have fixing noise like buzzed,some extra crew that you did not hire will appear with an animation of ship fixing/restoration,pilots that are Idling in the hangar will tend to seat on ships or crate and have an animation of talking with another pilot.
Living quarters:The room will have people talking depending on the number and what they are doing,
some npc will be able to seat on chairs that you can define that it is one,sometimes they will be reading books that they take out of nowhere,drinking or sleeping
The bridge:depending on how big it is and how many people there are and computers there will be greater noise of people talking,computer noise,and radio talking like"come in".In case of shields are dawn and in case there are voices someone will scream shields are dawn but someone told me that there won't be voices.
The talking is not actualy talking its like when you are in a crowded room I don't know how do you say it.
But this is a small siuggestion to give the game more life.
Today I decided to tell one of my many,ambiance,I hope the devs are already thinking about this so lets start.
Hanger quarters:You will have fixing noise like buzzed,some extra crew that you did not hire will appear with an animation of ship fixing/restoration,pilots that are Idling in the hangar will tend to seat on ships or crate and have an animation of talking with another pilot.
Living quarters:The room will have people talking depending on the number and what they are doing,
some npc will be able to seat on chairs that you can define that it is one,sometimes they will be reading books that they take out of nowhere,drinking or sleeping
The bridge:depending on how big it is and how many people there are and computers there will be greater noise of people talking,computer noise,and radio talking like"come in".In case of shields are dawn and in case there are voices someone will scream shields are dawn but someone told me that there won't be voices.
The talking is not actualy talking its like when you are in a crowded room I don't know how do you say it.
But this is a small siuggestion to give the game more life.