Weapon's, Travel, Planets, Vehicles, Etc.

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Ok so I've been thinking about some ways that starmade could improve. First of lets start with Boarding,

    I think that boarding should be implamented into the game as another type of ship combat. But the trouble with that is how would you get a ship to stop moving? Well I thought maybe a sort of EMP that knocks out the ships engines for a certain amount of time, enough just so a ship can land and unload troops. There also the problem of the ship recovering and moving about again, well maybe some gravitational boots could be added to counteract this? Theres again a problem with doors and such, maybe add a C4 block thats timed or remote detonated that can bypass shields and make a 2x2 hole allowing people to enter. I dont know weather its coming down the line or not but we need better personal weapons. Maybe kenetic ones? use ammunition, and also have a 3d model :P

    Now lets move on to Weapons, I believe that we need some kenetic weapons such as Gattling guns, Auto cannons, Gauss guns, maybe a MAC gun? Better missiles that are stronger and use up ammo, Maybe Torpedos that can disable shields.

    Travel, ok so it kinda takes forever to travel to sector 80,73,29 blah blah blah, I was thinking maybe a sort of FTL drive could be installed onto the ship, somewhat like BSG (works on any ship). However it takes sometime (Dependent on ship size) to power up, but once you warp (All possible collisions are predicted and the ship arrives safely into the sector) or whatever you arrive at your destination out of power and very slowly recharging (This could be a consequence for running from a battle) of course something like this would need a range limit of about maybe 15-20 sectors? And if you wanted to travel further maybe some warp gates or becons have to be built somewhere. But they only work if there is a warp gate they can exit, meaning that ships have to travel that distance to get one built first before they can be used.

    Planets, They are a great idea, however they seem just way to small. The planets need to be at least 8-9 times their current size (could reduce planet count to achive this), (Im ok with the planets being flat, I understand that it would be hard to make them round with a surrounding gravitational field) I also think that maybe some of the planets need weather, like the alien planet having acid rain, terra planet rain, ice one snow, desert sandstorms. etc. This also brings me to point out ground vehicles, if the planet is to be bigger there needs to be a means of transportation other then ships so I propose that there could be wheels or a tracks block that sticks to the ground and can climb over blocks. Also the Atmospere needs to be bigger that correlates with the bigger planets.

    The AI need some more options such as attack specific people. AI ships following way points or following the player in formation?

    Playermodels, when I first saw the models me and my mate instantly thought we where looking at blow up dolls -__- . Maybe they could look a little closer to MC playermodels?

    This game is a great one and has a lot of potential, It just need a couple of tweaks and improvements and bug fixes... But I hope most of you agree to these suggestions, and If not please leave some feedback and tell me why these could be bad ideas.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    I don\'t agree with the EMP, because that would take away all the difficulty and could easily be abused in fights for the wrong purposes. Just shoot out the thrusters on a ship and it is a sitting duck. Also, I disagree with C4 or something like that because you could just use the personal weapons to shoot a hole in the wall.

    I definetly agree with player models, weather, FTL travel (even though its been suggested litterally over a thousand times) and especially warp gates.

    I think they need to work on better rendering of the planets first. It takes too long to render and The planets should be made rounder, but not completely round. Kind of like just the top half of the globe, but smaller proportions. I can\'t tell what type of planet a planet is by its color, because white planets turn out to be desert alot and its just really f**king annoying.

    More weapons I kind of agree with, but I disagree with ammo and I wouldn\'t have any idea how they would work.
    Jul 16, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    On the topic of boarding: starmade recently added an new weapon similat to what I will now suggest. I think that along with an EMP, there needs to be a tractor beam to keep the other ship steady. That way this could work is that it can only be used when the other ship is incapable of movement, or is overheating. This could be a big help on salvage operations.

    On another not, I totally agree with the warp gate idea. You could use there to warp for no power cost. Also, however, the Warp Gate needs to be a construstion. Not a single block or else it will be too OP on servers. Think of a VERY expensive block that you need to buy a spasific amount of to make the gate.
    Jul 11, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I\'ve said this in another thread, personal explosives would be useful if would just affect doors, each member should only be able to carry at most 1 (a new separate weapon inventory is needed) and doors should also be hackable because someone could just fill a long corridor with doors...
    Jun 20, 2013
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    well the emp an idea to get people on ships, because no ship would just hold still long enough for a boarding party
    Aug 14, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    This would definately add a new type of playstyle to the game, I wouldn\'t mind having all of this in the game
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    About shooting out thrusters, many smart ship designers space thrusters throughout the entire ship. Also, planets are already rounded on the edges but if you were to increase that too much it would ruin the look of a planet made out of voxels.

    Otherwise, I do agree with you on warp gates, proper planet color at a distance, And on the topic of player models beetlebear personally leaked a photo of a new playermodel on the chat a few weeks back, it\'s a vast improvement. Sadly I cannot find it anymore.