Weapons can't be configurated sometimes.

    Aug 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hey there. I ll try to explain my issue as simple as possible. Usually I am very bad at this so bear with me. (lol bear...)

    1. Me placing down a lot of cannons in mirrormode connected to a computer.

    2. Doing the same again = 2 slightly different sets of cannons. 2 at the left 2 at the right side of the ship.

    3. Pressing T (I belive). Starting to change the % values on the 4 weapon entries. Trying to make them shoot shorter while reloading faster.

    4. % values change and actual values stay the same as before with the first set of cannons built.

    5. % values change and actual values do as well with the second set of cannons built.

    6. Tested if the cannons of the first set change behavior even if the values stay the same. They don't...

    Only tested properly at a server with about 40 people online at all times. Dunno if relevant. Didn't test it in single player on my own server. Don't know if it would help if I do. If yes, say so.



    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    I think a client can do nothing about it, only a server restart (or wait some time) helps.

    If you have only 1/2 weapon block(s) in a grid/array, you need 25% difference on a single stat to see some changes.

    If you click too fast, the numbers run up and down and up and down and reset to an earlier value. This is because of LAGs and the clients stupidly sending each click to the server instead of appling it once when done.