Weapons addition/tweak

    Jul 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Weapons Sugestions

    -missiles need to do more shield damage

    Add these Weapon systems

    Railgun - Fires a fast moving projectile, does significant shield damage and when the shields are down can do significant hull damage, has a reload time equivalent to missiles. Block placement should work like just like missiles

    Laser Lance: Fires a constant beam, can drain shields fast but does not do significant hull damage. Block placement should work like antimatter cannons, however reload time should not be a factor since it is a constant beam and thus no reload time

    Ion Cannon - Fires a thick beam that does crazy damage on shields and hull, block placement should highly favor having long cannons. Weapon should have a long cooldown and massive power costs

    Bass Cannon - Once initialized the bass cannon will begin to fire but doesnt do much damage until it drops.... jk XD
    Jul 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Purchased!
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    and buy the game :P

    I wonder how your laser beam would work in practice. I think it should be the opposite - very little shield damage and high hull damage. But that\'s just me. And it can\'t be a weapon that shoots forever without any limitation, can it?