Weapon spread and shield damage mitigation

    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    Would be nice to see some slight firing spread from weapons, rather than having them as firing with perfect precision. It would make hitting miniscule targets a little bit easier or, rather, less frustrating and would also lessen the problem of being able to effectively drill to the enemy core using antimatter cannons. Having bigger or smaller guns should have no effect on accuracy, but you should be able to increase or decrease accuracy in the weapons menu at the cost of damage/rate of fire etc in the same way you can already.

    Additionally, shields should only partially mitigate damage rather than completely absorb it. All shields should provide, say, 70% damage mitigation. The protection provided by shields should not be affected by the strength of a shield. A one-block shield will mitigate the same amount of damage is a 1000-block shield. However, stronger shields will be able to mitigate this damage for much longer, thus reducing the overall damage taken. This means that ships with impenetrable shields will still be able to be damaged by smaller ships. It will also make hull act as a feasable line of defence, rather than being almost purely cosmetic.It would also grant more purpose to repair beams as hulls will become more useful and are more likely to be damaged (rather than destroyed) than before.

    In short (with a shield mitigation of 70%), a cannon that does 100 damage firing at a ship with shields should still do 30 damage to the hull.
    Jun 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    On the first suggestion: How about NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    On the second: Yes i would like to see this in game

    because no more invinsible ships
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I agree with both. All weapons ought to have a spread variable really, which can be customised to current settings at expense of damage or less accurate for more damage.

    i also agree with shielding as you suggest. As things stand, hull is just there to give the ship shape, and not for much in protection. Thick hulls would be preferable with these changes for better survival, while shielding prevents it getting too hot all at once. I like that way of it being.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    On the first suggestion: I would like to see this in the game, AMCs are really op at the moment

    On the second: Maybe make it so that shields are customizable just like weapons are, so players will be able rearrange points to different aspects of shields, such as total amount, mitigation, and regeneration rate. That would be very cool and interesting. In other words, how about MAYBEEEEEE