Weapon ideas

    Jul 11, 2013
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    been looking for ways to make the game more varried in terms of combat since its pretty much "whoever has the bigger amc wins"

    proton beam - Beam weapon that deals increased damage to shields but less effective on hull armor

    Kinetic energy weapon - rapid fire projectile weapon deals moderate damage to hull, shield dmg is negligable, but is capable detonating missiles prematurly.

    Ion beam- a weapon designed to wreck shields and disable sections of a ship based on a radius. disable lasts X long based on size of array.

    Cruise missile - a large missile designed to penetrate a hull to the vounerable insides.

    i would love to see the pvp become more than "my amc is bigger than urs!" make it more of a rock


    Server scriptologist
    Jan 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    Yes I think those are excellent suggestions, I really like the idea of shooting down missiles to. We need different type of shields as well. I suggested a long time ago that you just make you own weapons with different materials around the univesre having different effects. So you could make missile that damaged shield more effectively than hulls. I also would apply that to shielding. I remember scorched earth back in the day and it had different shield type that were more or less effective with different types of weapons. Keep up the ideas :)