Weapon, AI activation/jamming beam and other ideas.

    Jul 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    First suggestion I would like to post, some way for a ship to target a Bobby AI and toggle it on/off. This would have a few benefits,

    1. You're station or outpost or planet etc. is under attack but you haven't turned some turrets on (Note there should be a time limit on this beam meaning it has an extremely long reload time to prevent someone speeding up to you and quickly targeting every turret on your titan, leaving it almost completely defenceless against their puny ship with a couple of AMC's, Thrusters, power blocks and one of these) so you target one of the turrets and you fire the beam which turns the turret on to defend you.

    2. You are being chased by pirates or some other hostile force and you come across an abandoned station with turrets so you turn the turrets on and get away.

    3. Fleet support vessels, which would be used to target the turrets on larger ships and thus reduce the damage done to fleet ships.

    To OP? If so your suggestions are welcomed

    I am pretty sure this has been suggested but What might be quite cool is an EMP weapon which affects an entire sector but no-one who was in that sector can use weapons until the effects wear off, To counter-act this is another idea I had but involves an old and done to death idea which is that of redstone. Like the above mentioned AI beam thing "redstone" can turn Bobby AI modules on and off which then makes Auxiluary turrets on your ships and stations advisable these turrets on big ships being turned off by a secondary crewman at the push of a button on the bridge. This EMP Weapon would make thrusters and other systems turn off as well making the need for secondary systems greater.

    Any more ideas on this style of things. To OP again? Again comments on this are welcome.