we need to talk about losing


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    We know about blueprints. But we still cant save them to a ship or repair a ship without deconstructing it first.
    Ok, let's go over the difference between what would happen if the repair function of shipyards stopped being bugged like it currently is.

    Current guide to replacing a damaged ship-
    1) Dock to shipyard
    2) Deconstruct (almost instantaneous)
    3) Construct

    If the repair function was fixed-
    1) Dock to shipyard
    2) Repair

    Gee, that's like, a whole 10 seconds this would save! Is your problem just some pointless complaint about how it's technically not the "same" ship? Do you just not understand how the mechanics of the game work?

    I agree with the second statement that the community has a problem with losing and getting too much attached to one ship. The question remains how to mitigate these issues. We cant just dismiss them.
    No, we absolutely can dismiss them. It is a player's personal problem if they are an idiot who puts all their eggs in one basket despite everyone and the game telling them it will go poorly when they drop it. It is not the developer's responsibility to cater to morons, to hold their hands and politely ask them to not build big ships, when all of the mechanics of the game are already discouraging the creation of these ships.

    madman Captain

    Self-appointet Overlord of the Scaffold
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    No, we absolutely can dismiss them. It is a player's personal problem if they are an idiot who puts all their eggs in one basket despite everyone and the game telling them it will go poorly when they drop it. It is not the developer's responsibility to cater to morons, to hold their hands and politely ask them to not build big ships, when all of the mechanics of the game are already discouraging the creation of these ships
    Bad resource mangement is one thing, but you talk like someone who really think that we talk about an almost finished game, we are in alpha or in other words: nothing is written in stones.
    Seriously Doom has deeper fighting mechanics and this game is over 20 years old.
    Sep 18, 2014
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    What if admins spawn a ton of resources for the winner of a PvP Event for 20k block ships?
    That's an event and i don't want to have an admin watching everytime i fight, i can roleplay with friends for that.
    The point of the thread is that losing is so costly that it causes people to rage quit. If you not looking for conflict then maybe single player is for you. The point of the game is explore, expand, trade, fight, and so on. The sandbox is very big, and losing your structures causes people to rage quit. War is just one aspect of this game. Lets not be dismissive here of the issue.
    To enjoy loosing stuff it must be worth so in few words it's mechanics of rewards/loss like kulbolen said. I believe it's not looking in front of us with special loot drop but with mechanics around factions with purpose, wins and loss. Well, i suggested something some time ago if you're interested to check it.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Bad resource mangement is one thing, but you talk like someone who really think that we talk about an almost finished game, we are in alpha or in other words: nothing is written in stones.
    And your proposal for fixing bad resources management is.... what, exactly?
    Sep 11, 2013
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    Ok, let's go over the difference between what would happen if the repair function of shipyards stopped being bugged like it currently is.

    Current guide to replacing a damaged ship-
    1) Dock to shipyard
    2) Deconstruct (almost instantaneous)
    3) Construct

    If the repair function was fixed-
    1) Dock to shipyard
    2) Repair

    Gee, that's like, a whole 10 seconds this would save! Is your problem just some pointless complaint about how it's technically not the "same" ship? Do you just not understand how the mechanics of the game work?

    No, we absolutely can dismiss them. It is a player's personal problem if they are an idiot who puts all their eggs in one basket despite everyone and the game telling them it will go poorly when they drop it. It is not the developer's responsibility to cater to morons, to hold their hands and politely ask them to not build big ships, when all of the mechanics of the game are already discouraging the creation of these ships.
    Yes lets call these people morons. That makes this a really great community to play in.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    Gee, that's like, a whole 10 seconds this would save! Is your problem just some pointless complaint about how it's technically not the "same" ship? Do you just not understand how the mechanics of the game work?
    And your ship has another name.

    If you use logic to manage your ships by name/id or have this ship in a fleet, you have to redo these steps aswell.

    Current guide to replacing a damaged ship-
    1) Dock to shipyard
    2a) Deconstruct (almost instantaneous)
    2b) Choose correct name, also for turrets. Not blueprint name/id but ship name/id.
    2c) De-bloat the cache and backup files (performance, not player time investment).
    2d) Edit the display block with the ship's ID + verification for logic access
    2e) Re-Link wireless between ships?
    3) Construct

    If the repair function was fixed-
    1) Dock to shipyard
    2) Repair​


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Yes lets call these people morons. That makes this a really great community to play in.
    Yes, let's call these people, who purposefully ignore all common sense and game mechanics, and decide to build a single huge ship that comprises 90% of their resources, morons. Because they are.

    madman Captain

    Self-appointet Overlord of the Scaffold
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    And your proposal for fixing bad resources management is.... what, exactly?
    I just want to say that I give you right in the point that someone who use all of his resources for a ship without ceating backups for the repair not understanding resource managment. But I say that this is not a reason for discouraging the creating ships of a specific size.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    A well tuned faction point setup could help, there were incentive to fight on EE2 (RIP). ))))


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    The point of the game is explore, expand, trade, fight, and so on. The sandbox is very big, and losing your structures causes people to rage quit. War is just one aspect of this game. Lets not be dismissive here of the issue.
    But as you said, its a sandbox game.

    It isn't about PvP, that isn't the focus of the game, because as a sandbox voxel game it doesn't really have a focus beyond building things. Fighting is something you can do, its something you occasionally need to do, but it isn't the main reason the game exists.

    Especially when it comes to multiplayer, forcing someone else to play the game in a way they don't want to is *BAD*. If they want to fight, thats great, get in a big old fight and see who can build ships better and faster, knock yourselves out. If they don't want to fight you, then back off and let them do their thing.

    As has been stated in the thread already, there is no real reward to victory, and there is a huge cost to defeat. If you are willing to risk that, that is a decision you are allowed to make for yourself and yourself only. Forcing someone else to play the way you want them to when they don't want it is just you being a jackass.
    Dec 3, 2013
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    But as you said, its a sandbox game.

    It isn't about PvP, that isn't the focus of the game, because as a sandbox voxel game it doesn't really have a focus beyond building things. Fighting is something you can do, its something you occasionally need to do, but it isn't the main reason the game exists.

    Especially when it comes to multiplayer, forcing someone else to play the game in a way they don't want to is *BAD*. If they want to fight, thats great, get in a big old fight and see who can build ships better and faster, knock yourselves out. If they don't want to fight you, then back off and let them do their thing.

    As has been stated in the thread already, there is no real reward to victory, and there is a huge cost to defeat. If you are willing to risk that, that is a decision you are allowed to make for yourself and yourself only. Forcing someone else to play the way you want them to when they don't want it is just you being a jackass.
    After reading everything I think you may have misunderstood what the OP wants. I hope if I get it wrong he will let me know. But the way I understand it, he doesn't want to "Force" anyone to fight. He wants there to be risk/reward to the fight. Something for the winner to gain that makes the blocks they may have lost fighting worth the loss.

    As an example, I myself build my ships with the idea that I will pilot them, use fleets and run my own empire of sorts. Using economic, political, and militaristic means to run everything effectively. There are a few issues with this however and they come into play with other play styles as well.

    First off, there is currently no incentive to expand. Weather its building more fleets, more stations or leaving your home system. There is no reward for it other then the fact you built something and it looks good. This is not enough to hold myself and many other players I know. There is a reason the MC server I used to be staff on is dead. Its because there was little to do in the sandbox other then build a bigger sand castle.

    There is no reward for a fight. Only risk. If I have to risk something, be it resources, time, fleets, or anything else, I want to have some kind of benefit from taking that risk. I could salvage whats left of the other players ship/fleet. But why? Currently mining is more effective then bothering. At least IMO.

    There is no real economy. Why bother trading when you can get everything you need with ease? Sure you CAN trade. But you get little from it. There is no specialization, and resource distribution allows factions to be 100% self sufficient at all times. Add to that the fact that there is no reason to expend resources fighting or expanding other then for the sake of doing it, and you have killed any kind of economy that might have appeared on a server.

    The real issue is that we have a sandbox, we have toy's in the sandbox but we don't have a rule set that lets us strategically chose how to use the toy's. We have the sandbox, but what we lack is the "Game" that takes place in the sandbox. Now I don't expect any of the rules to be like "You must build a faction and expand and conquer everyone". But at the same time having a reward other then a look they fear your ships and hunker down in their invincible HB to never fight you again.

    I would agree that there should be some kind of "Loss" for losing a faction war. There are many mechanics that could allow for it. Weather its gaining valuable territory, FP, or forcing a faction to disband for X amount of time, or something completely different. The point is, there is no point in just building things that have no purpose in the world. And although a player CAN assign a purpose to the things, if the game world doesn't support that purpose (like your fleets that can't do anything because players are all in their HB's) then the sandbox has failed. It gave you the sand to build with, it gave you the armies to command and the resources to spend. Then it forgot to give you something to do with it all.

    I believe that starmade will eventually encourage conflict. By encourage I don't mean force. There is a BIG difference. to encourage it you just need adequate risk/reward. Forcing would be employing a rule set that actively punishes players for choosing an alternate path. I think most play styles should have their advantages and disadvantages. the advantages/disadvantages don't have to be equal ether. The Dev's can chose to encourage some styles more then others in order to make a more compelling experience for everyone.

    When you say the game is not about PvP, I think you have missed something. The game mechanics are all in support of building combat ready ships. Why have combat ready ships if they don't serve much purpose?

    /end rant

    I think encouraging PvP, Faction conflicts, and general reasons to have combat ships and fleets is a good thing. I think encouraging exploration and expansion while not forcing it and/or punishing players for alternate play styles is good for the game. I think what i jsut said sums up the OP's points. And I agree. Method however is debatable.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    After reading everything I think you may have misunderstood what the OP wants.
    I wasn't responding to the OP (original post), I was responding to this:
    A war is a non consensual act. Which is why it is so interesting. If you only fight with people who want to then there really isn't any real conflict.
    This is the callsign of a griefer, in my book.

    The "I don't care if you want to fight me or not, I'm coming after you!" bit, that is what I was objecting to.

    Healthy PvP where both sides are into it is GREAT, I love it. When you start trying to defend your PvP by saying "Its war, its not consensual, and there's no conflict if both sides are in agreement", then you're just trying to hide the fact that you're attacking someone weaker than you that can't meaningfully fight back and pretending its PvP instead of just roflstomping a n00b.

    Its not PvP if the other person can't fight back and have a chance of winning, its just griefing.
    Jan 4, 2015
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    In some sense this is a problem. A war is a non consensual act. Which is why it is so interesting. If you only fight with people who want to then there really isn't any real conflict.
    im probably the last person here who would have a personal problem with this. but theres some problems here... your logic makes no sense to me. you just used a realistic idea of how war and conflict works... to advocate a totally forced artificial loss prevention mechanic.

    "Instead of blowing up a players works, instead if you reach the home base players could possibly levy a tax of some kind, maybe in faction points or resources. This would be much better than players blowing each other up and having someone rage quit. Of course if the tax goes unpaid then people would be free to destroy each other. A higher risk reward play."

    you just said "war is harsh, man!" as a point while discussing your idea of "lets all play nice and not break each others shit, man!"

    regardless of how silly i think that mentality is, heres my thoughts on it:

    in wars, "losing" sides would only get taxed because theyre identified as the "losing" side. they have to suffer some loss to be the loser, with exception to scenarios where they just cow and exclaim defeat without a fight (strong faction threatening and taxing some noob faction)... that initial fight often removes the single most important, costly, creative piece of said losing sides inventory and is as likely to cause a "ragequit" as anything else.

    aside from this, will go with my anecdotal evidence and say most starmade players DONT want to be exposed to forced wars and such, they want a glorified sp build server with a chatroom to feel connected. i personally love the idea of a hardcore pvp survival server, and to some extent we can already set this up with no homebase protections etc, as i said before... but in the default environment 100% loss prevention can already be achieved (aside from this latest updates massive undocking bugs) by simply using your homebase. you said it yourself, it can already be achieved. although im not sure why you said somewhat, because it is fully achieved, not somewhat achieved. but youre right, it makes them unconquerable... guess what? even without homebases, youre unconquerable.

    starmade isnt real life; we dont have countries with millions of citizens to protect, on a static planet that we cant relocate. there is no threat you can mount against me that i cant just ignore by hiding or running. you cant hurt me unless i let you. this is part of the incentivize winning to risk losing idea. in an environment where you cant hurt me unless i let you, i have to be willing to expose myself. subjecting me to taxes instead of the loss of my station is not going to do it.
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    Jan 4, 2015
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    Can't think of a loss that hasn't taught me something about the game, Knowledge is a pretty good reward, and you won't get much of it from shooting pirates and test targets, at least not beyond the basics.
    i share this belief. but i think most players dont, as we still have the problem of people not wanting to fight, after years of this experience i feel safe saying its not enough to incentivize most. (i often offer no cost fights with free spawned ships and still get no bites, from players who dont know who i am)
    It is not the developer's responsibility to cater to morons, to hold their hands and politely ask them to not build big ships
    it may not be their responsibility, but its most likely in their best interest. theres certainly a lot more they could do to encourage smaller and more efficient (and less gameperformancewrecking) ship builds, but it may be difficult to do this without skirting the "removing creative freedom" lines.
    Feb 4, 2015
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    This is the callsign of a griefer, in my book.
    This is the callsign of an individual who plays on a PvP server. "Griefer" is simply a term used to label anyone who engages in pvp with anyone else who is not prepared for pvp, and applied only by the latter.

    The "I don't care if you want to fight me or not, I'm coming after you!" bit, that is what I was objecting to.
    If this practice upsets you, perhaps you'd be happier on a server that restricts this type of gameplay.

    you're just trying to hide the fact that you're attacking someone weaker than you that can't meaningfully fight back and pretending its PvP instead of just roflstomping a n00b.
    If you truly believe that pvp is only initiated by established players attacking noobs, I'd venture you've something of a victim complex.

    Its not PvP if the other person can't fight back and have a chance of winning, its just griefing.
    And who decides which combination of resources, design, and skill qualifies for your prerequisite of possessing a "chance?" Just a couple months back, my faction mate engaged with another player who defeated him quite handily with a ship that, although cosmetically superior, was quite mechanically inferior. He did so with skill and tactics, both of which my team mate displayed little of. I assume he was "griefed." The other player's display of ingenuity left my poor mate with little chance of success.
    Jan 4, 2015
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    This is the callsign of a griefer, in my book.
    fortunately, no one is forced to read your book.

    you seem to have a very specific agenda based on your posts, but ill reference you to your own observation that nearly all mp survival servers are pvp friendly. there must be a reason for this. youve been around a long time, if you choose not to pvp, dont pvp. the game has framework in place for this. nothing anyone in these posts about loss or no conquering etc say will change it, because part of what you say is right. this is a sandbox building game, and youll have your protections unless you choose a server that has removed them.
    Dec 3, 2013
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    I wasn't responding to the OP (original post), I was responding to this:This is the callsign of a griefer, in my book.

    The "I don't care if you want to fight me or not, I'm coming after you!" bit, that is what I was objecting to.

    Healthy PvP where both sides are into it is GREAT, I love it. When you start trying to defend your PvP by saying "Its war, its not consensual, and there's no conflict if both sides are in agreement", then you're just trying to hide the fact that you're attacking someone weaker than you that can't meaningfully fight back and pretending its PvP instead of just roflstomping a n00b.

    Its not PvP if the other person can't fight back and have a chance of winning, its just griefing.
    sorry my mistake.

    As for "A war is a non consensual act. Which is why it is so interesting. If you only fight with people who want to then there really isn't any real conflict."

    I think that is incorrect in the current game. But if he is looking ahead to what this game could allow then he may not be completely off his rocker. I may have just read too much into what he was trying to say. What I was thinking was more like what I wrote below:

    If the game evolves to where it has resources distributed in such a way that factions/players come into conflict in order to hold the systems those materials (or what ever benefit they might have) are in, then non consensual conflict "war" will become a thing. Though you would also need a working economy. And if war were a thing then trading/diplomacy would also be a thing in order to avoid war.

    Would you object to a system that encourages areas that are contested due to resources/bonuses/whatever that factions and players would want? Or do you think that would count as consensual because players would be aware that those systems/sectors are contested?

    To the OP:
    what kind of condition would you count as a "Loss"? And maybe more importantly how would a player or faction recover from one? I am sure leaving for another server is a bad idea. And I can imagine that most players would not want to start from scratch again with just starter blocks. I don't mind losing, but I also don't like the idea that I would be reset to zero(as in no station, no credits, no blocks. Just floating in space).

    I am sure loss conditions could be a thing depending on what the loss penalty is, and what the winner gets for winning.
    Sep 11, 2013
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    But as you said, its a sandbox game.

    It isn't about PvP, that isn't the focus of the game, because as a sandbox voxel game it doesn't really have a focus beyond building things. Fighting is something you can do, its something you occasionally need to do, but it isn't the main reason the game exists.

    Especially when it comes to multiplayer, forcing someone else to play the game in a way they don't want to is *BAD*. If they want to fight, thats great, get in a big old fight and see who can build ships better and faster, knock yourselves out. If they don't want to fight you, then back off and let them do their thing.

    As has been stated in the thread already, there is no real reward to victory, and there is a huge cost to defeat. If you are willing to risk that, that is a decision you are allowed to make for yourself and yourself only. Forcing someone else to play the way you want them to when they don't want it is just you being a jackass.

    You still haven't fixed the issue. This is partially about PvP because this game incorporates PvP. So maybe we need to put a defenders advantage in the game kinda like the board game RISK.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    And who decides which combination of resources, design, and skill qualifies for your prerequisite of possessing a "chance?" Just a couple months back, my faction mate engaged with another player who defeated him quite handily with a ship that, although cosmetically superior, was quite mechanically inferior. He did so with skill and tactics, both of which my team mate displayed little of. I assume he was "griefed." The other player's display of ingenuity left my poor mate with little chance of success.
    Well here's an idea, how about you ask?

    "Hey, wanna do some PvP?" "Sure, sounds like fun!" = Go have fun.

    "Hey, wanna do some PvP?" "No thanks, I only have a mining ship right now" = Don't attack.

    Its really that simple. If the other person wants to play that aspect of the game with you, they will tell you. If they don't want to, then you shouldn't be forcing them. It takes you all of 30 seconds.