Way to disable or limit loot clouds?

    Jan 16, 2015
    Reaction score
    Any way to either disable or limit loot clouds?

    Server I am playing on the admins got pirates sort of working, and the pirates themselves are good enough loot, problem is they are dropping insane sized loot clouds.

    Can see this becoming a massive balance problem very quickly. As everyone can essentially become billionaires and have massive ships within a few hours of farming.

    Cannot seem to find any info on this. (man this game is often hard to find any decent or up to date info on honestly.) If there is a way to disable or limit loot it would be great to be able to let the admins know before it becomes a real problem.
    Apr 14, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Purchased!
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Yes. Look for these two lines in the server.cfg.

    AI_DESTRUCTION_LOOT_COUNT_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 //multiply amount of items in a loot stack. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none
    AI_DESTRUCTION_LOOT_STACK_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 //multiply amount of items spawned after AI destruction. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none