Warping, levels, territories etc....

    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    just a few ideas
    - you are able to build/place warp points across the universe and then adding a 'warp drive' onto your computer you can warp between them (but this requires a lot of energy) and making each warppoint locked with faction modules

    - Killing pirates and stations and any mob for that matter should be more rewarding, gaining levels which give small perks and seperate the experienced players from the scrubs, it can create pvp boundries so that people can't destroy you when you first join a server and also encourage exploration and combat, examples of perks gained might be that for level 5 all hulls you use gain a 5% health/defence boost, or that antimatter cannons deal more damage, shoot faster, cost less energy per unit

    - Places for the different factions to hang out and call home, or a base, in a territory the amount of that factions mob will be increased a lot, so pirate territory could be a battle cruiser's dream for hunting pirates and trading guild territory can be a merchant ship haeven, territories could possibly be 3x3x3 sectors big and player made territories could be made bigger by them buying expansions, This could also be useful for multiplayer faction wars were different faction can claim the territory of their enemies

    Laws and governments
    - there should be an intergalactic safe zone where all ships have to abide by certain laws and in return be granted with protection, if such laws are broken 'law enforcement' ships can be deployed
    and this can be linked in with territories and factions so that whilst players are offline they can protect their faction's territory (law enforcement for player based territories will be bought like stations, with each law enforcement ship costing around 500000 credits?)

    Better planets
    - the planets in this game are kind of scrubby and aren't much fun, they should be made better by putting space colonies in them and alien homes each with their own economy shops and just all around more exciting, maybe adding fauna in too which can be tractor beamed up and sold in shops (because everybody loves intergalactic exotic pets),

    - whilst writing that last point i just thought that maybe players could keep fauna alive inside their ships if they add something like an enviroment stabilizer , and in order for this to work players would have to cleverly build air-locks out of plex doors and it would give all the more reason to try not to get any holes in your ship (because lets face it, as it is now we let a few holes in our ships because we can easily patch them up)
    Jun 19, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    1. Warping has been suggested over a billion times now.

    2. Levels are for RPG games, and it wouldn\'t make sense to have levels.

    3. Wouldn\'t make sense to have pirate designated areas

    4. Laws and governments are to be decided by the strongest faction/alliance, once internal faction ship safety is better

    5. Such a setup would be made by the faction living there.

    6. Space pets, really?
    Jun 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    1. Everyone is suggesting this

    2. Screw levels in this game. It\'s not designed for that.

    3. Would only make sense if you change the spawn rates of pirate stations outside of pirate space and make the stations in pirate space be incredibly difficult to destroy.

    4. Not a bad idea, but the \"laws\" would need to be a set of options choosable by the group controlling the space, and there would need to be debate about whether implementing them as hard rules or soft rules with consequences would be the order of the day. Also, the server itself should be able to use this system server-wide so as to emulate some kind of great empire rules ... or some such thing.

    5. See response 4

    6. No.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    1: Not warp cylinders! make it more of a drive like a computer (Warp Computer) and for Navigation you type in the sector (as you already do) and it will pop up asking \"DO YOU WISH TO WARP HERE IT WILL TAKE XXXXX POWER\"

    2: Eh no. Just no Ranks might be better like a fleet admiral if you had done certain things. Pilot ranks would give distinct features to the game such as if NPC\'s are added then a high rank may be respected more than a grunt recruit pilot.

    3: We\'ll see

    4: Safe zone commands anyone?

    5: Schema is making them double sided and possibly bigger later on.

    6: Maybe something later on, I for one kill every indigenous life form I find so I wont have a pet, Unless zerg is involved xD
    Jun 22, 2013
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    1 Warping has been talked about a lot already, plus I think that is already a planned feature

    2 Your effectivess should be based on your ability to build ships, and your ability to pilot them.

    3 I rather territories be decided by players, more show of power in a sector kinda makes it yours, as for NPCs I honestly couldn\'t care less about them I would rather interact with other players

    4 Again as with number three, if you can\'t enforce your own laws in your own space you need to solve that yourself. As for intergalatic safe zone, that\'s a maybe there does need to be a place where neutrals can be safe.

    5 For natural life on the planet, sure I see no problems with that. As for there being randomly generated colonies, nope. As I said I don\'t care about NPC interaction, coloines and cites I feel should be built by the factions that own them. For me if anything is pre-built on a planet, I\'ll just end up tearing it down so I can build what I want over it.

    6. I don\'t need it. Not to say its a bad idea, might make a market around that.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Everything that was suggested had been before. Except for 6 that is.

    1) Warp gates been suggested and even planned as a feature. You\'ll see it sometimes soon down the line, or so I heard from official channels. I could be wrong.

    2) Hoping to see pirates buffed up as well. People want them to be so I\'ll assume it is being considered. Something to look forward to, along with space and faction traffic at that. You might even get caught in an unintentional space battle if caught in the wrong place, again from \"official channels\".

    3) Wouldn\'t mind seeing planets being owned while using faction points, though I\'m sure it is already in there. Probably thought contamination mixed with what people thought vs suggested and planned. I\'ll assume this is also going to be added.

    4) Doubt we\'ll see anything this complex. Who knows? Hiring AI ships to control, patrol, and similar would be the closest I\'d assume.

    5) Being planned but I do agree planets need to be bigger, better, and populated appropriately. Hoping it was noted and fixed sometimes down the line. I know I heard ruins, civilizations, and structures being added onto planets.

    6) I wouldn\'t mind having living plants and animals on my trees. I\'d much rather have them either on a planet or space station where I won\'t see them killed, or transfer them inbetween. Sure, why not. The little things helps compliment the game as a whole.