Warp speed

    Jun 22, 2013
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    i think you guys at starmade should add a warp speed computer and thrusters. the way they would work is thar u can activate it like a wepon and it can warp you to a sector in an instate. the more "warp speed thrusters" you have connected to your "warp speed computer" the more sectors you can travel per usage. It should have a long recharge time.
    Jul 20, 2013
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    This would contradict how physics works. Can we at least keep this game half-way realistic?

    It cannot be instant because warp is a very fast travel method by creating warp field around the ship by contracting the space in front of it it while expanding the space behind it so that the area the ship is in moves and not the ship itself so this allows you to travel at very fast speeds but it is not instant.

    ultimately in terms of how the game works if warp was introduced you could create short warp speed jumps that drain an extreme amount of power (very much like the amount the cloaker drains). more power = more enegry to warp more amounts of space. but also have an advanced navigation module that would auto-pilot a course around objects so you dont crash

    (note: please do not say warp is not real because it is an actual theory in real life)
    Jul 7, 2013
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    well mayb instead of warp travel it can b an FTL drive and jump you in the middle of the sector ur trying to get to with the afore mentioned block/travel ratio
    Jun 24, 2013
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    I would argue that an instant warp is plausable. At this point in history we have evidently devised a way to have an infinite power source (Breaks thermodynamics) as well as containing light into slow moving projectiles, lossless energy transfer via a beam and beams that are able to break a solid meter of matter down into energy and reconstruct it in our inventories.

    So at this point it is not unreasonable to think that in a universe where these things are true, perhaps instant travel is also possible.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    The way I see it, we would need a \"warp core\" block type. The more of them you have, the farther you are able to warp. As it stands, the game is essentually limited to the 100 sectors surounding the spawn. Once you go past there, you will find no other people and thus it is a dead part of the universe. With the ability to warp out a theoretically infinite (As you could theoretically have an infinite number of warp cores) number of sectors, we would have the entire universe to explore.

    The larger a ship, the larger the charge up time would be to avoid huge ships doing hit and runs. After a warp you would have no power for a good deal of time. Shields, cloaking, and radar jamming would likely have to be down.

    It isn\'t a perfect system, to be sure, and it does require some balancing but it would certainly add a much needed element to the game.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    That\'s just about the best idea I\'ve seen so far
    Jul 20, 2013
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    While valid that would mean a power source in the game and and technically the current power system is infinite I was saying it could not be instant because of the current power setup it can only have so much capacity and thus only so much power to warp space at one time I believe using a warp core would be over powered and should be tied in with the current systems
    Jun 24, 2013
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    If I\'m understanding you right, I agree it needs balancing with other game elements and the power systems, ect. But It entirely depends on what you mean by \"Not instant.\" If you mean a 10 second warping animation or something similar that would be fine by me. But a 10 minute wait would be excessive.
    Jul 20, 2013
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    A 10 second warping animation is sort of what I was refering too 1 min is a bit long but the idea is your converting so much power to warping your other systems are momentairly useless during the warp and when you come out for a second or two so it makes sense balance wise and with logic
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Moreso then usual. So I\'ll just copy a post I made here too:

    (is regarding a jump drive, an instantaneous system).

    Basically, to use it, you need to input a destination. You must then wait a short time for the drive to charge before you teleport. During this charging period, your thrusters, weapons, and shields all go offline, making you very vulnerable if someone were to attack you (or if they already were attacking you, in particular). Shields would have to recharge from zero as well upon entering the destination sector.

    How far you can jump is based upon how many jumpdrive blocks you have, with diminishing returns but NOT weighted against your ship size. So larger jumpdrives always can jump farther (and thus larger vessels will tend to be able to as well). And can still do so with vessels docked to them.

    How long the charging period is is based on the jumpdrive block number, but IS weighted against your ship size and has mild dimishing returns as well. So larger ships with 5% of their blocks dedicated to jump drive will always take longer then smaller ships with 5% of their blocks in a jump drive, for instance.

    So a small fighter may only take 5 seconds or so to jump. Maybe even less if its designed specifically for jumping. A frigate may take 10-15 though, and a larger ship may take a good 20-30 seconds to charge (a REALLY REALLY big one may take up to 60). In other words, you do not want to be using it near enemies unless someone is either covering you or unless you know you are dead if you stay regardless.

    There, a teleporting idea that doesn\'t interfere with combat or place irksome limits on ease of movement. That said, jumpdrives would be good for moving 5-10 sectors, but limit their max range to around 20-30ish and you can allow a jump gate or something like that to be the long range means of movement. (this post was originally made in a jump gate topic).
    Jun 24, 2013
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    This is pretty much exactly what I meant above. I was short on time typing it. It certainly should be balanced against ship size in regards to charge time and power consumption. I\'m excited to see where this game goes to in the later stages of its development
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I like the idea as well kurama, I still hold the view that it should be something that cannot be put on ships, so that it\'s used as a method of organization and connection, instead of for lagging the server to all hell as people jump starsystems away.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I understand what you\'re saying. The scientific idea of a warp field is creating a sort of spacetime bubble around a ship, but a much easier thing to do would be to simply fold the space-time fabric in front of the ship so that the ship can essentially hop over the spacetime crease, and the actual travel distance is cut from hundreds of sectors to, say, a few hundred meters. So, essentially, no matter what the distance, the travel takes only a few seconds.

    (Please, don\'t think I\'m some kind of scientific genius, the idea I stated is nothing new...)
    Sep 6, 2012
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    Warp speed, teleportation and other crap will just omit most opportunities to meet players and battle with them, just for a few who are too lazy and think they should be able to be everywhere when ever they want.

    Just no.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    If this was an issue that Schema cared about, why isn\'t their be a option to limit the area players are allowed to place blocks? If a player isn\'t allowed to place a block or create a ship more than 10 sectors from 0.0.0 then they will not live outside of 10 sectors of 0.0.0. This would then allow reasonable rates of finding people to PVP having having placed outside of 10 sectors of 0.0.0 as locations to go out, harvest and then return tot he base located in within the permitted area,
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Actually... i think a teleport system would be the best option. and more the ship is big, less the FTL thurster he have, longest the destination is, more it stays in \"hyperspace\".

    With that system, for an entire attack fleet, the starfighter would appears to come first, when the main dreadgnought will take way more times to appear.

    I also think, than just like Empire At War, the ships need a few secondes to calculate the FTL jump, like 5 seconde for a starfighter, and like one minute for a huge ship.

    Again, it would be the ratio number of Thruster/mass who determine this.