War Judges

    Jun 21, 2013
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    This would help with the faction wars in keeping things nice and clean, I've searched for this topic and found none. The idea is having someone, prehaps a reliable person or even a developer be the judge once a war breaks out. The threats and declarations of wars will happen in the forums but the real battles happen in a dedicated server, both factions go to the server and go off away from the starting point. One party goes to maybe sector 10,2,-5 while the other party goes off to sector -5,6,9 (they are just examples) the war judge goes into the server and is turned into the admin of the server. The starting point 2,2,2 is the neutral zone, no greifing or attacking the opposing faction otherwise you get kicked out of the server losing your chance in an epic battle. Once you leave the neutral zone anything goes, and if you die you HAVE to respawn in the neutral zone 2,2,2 otherwise it wouldn't be fair if there is a large war close to a planet and there was a respawn block in the planet and all you would need to do is build yourself another ship and fly off only several feet and be right there at the battle. This way if there was a battle on a planet you wouldn't appear back in the base, that would be an unfair advantage for the defending faction especially if the player guns is implemented (haven't played starmade for a while, I'm using someone elses computer so I don't know what new updates there are). Once you appear back in the starting sector you can build yourself a ship and fly back to the battle. Other rules and regulations will be placed later on if this idea actually takes off. The War Judge wouldn't do anything other then to observe and if he or she sees some illegal actions happening they have the power to kick out the player or players, and/or maybe record the battles and post it in the forums so others could see the amazing battles, there will be one or two war judges (one for every active faction in the server) and maybe three or four recording people so they can get the battle from different angles. Other then that, like I've said before, anything goes, you can spy on the enemy faction, sabotage their ships or bases, have large raids, betray your own faction, anything goes. In order to win the war, either the leader of the enemy faction needs to die three times or captured, all the bases and/or ships need to be destoryed especially if they are huge ships and bases. Once that happenes the war judge or judges can call a victor and the winning faction can gloat all they want and if the battle was recorded have those videos on their front page to show off their winnings.

    Any ideas and thoughts are appreciated, if you dislike the idea tell me the reason why you don't like it instead of saying "I dn't like thz idea cuse it sukz" or something like that, be mature about it.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    Well of course a judge is a good idea. i\'ve seen battles where one \'Accidentally\' fires his antimatter cannon. everyone gets mad at him and its not faction VS faction anymore. but Everyone VS Guy-who-shooted-his-cannon. But a judge would be nice. tough he needs to be invincible and be very fast. maybe even above the speed limit.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    if judge has admin commands he could just teleport to the battle and observe. He would be in his own faction and both set him to friendly so they see who not to shoot
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I had thought of some cons about this concept, for one the judge could be observing a battle not really paying attention to anything else and someone quickly types in a command giving themselves a bunch of stuff or typing a command that would kill off several people. There needs to be something like a super admin, kind of like in minecraft where the admins could go invisible and fly around looking at the people without them knowing. I know there are topics about upgrading admins I\'ll have to check it out, one thing that can help the \"Fired by Mistake\" problem is that instead of having several people build their ships at the starting sector, have the admin spawn two pre-made carriers. Maybe have several ship cores inside and gravity modules, that way people can get into the ship cores (Not undocking of course) and just wait for the pilot of the carrier to get to a destination assigned to them like faction A goes to 7, -8,9 while Faction B goes to -9,3,-7. Places far from the starting point, the ship cores in the carriers would help out people from phasing through the moving carrier, if that problem is still happening. Once they get to their spots they can do what ever the hell they want, they can build a large base in space or on a planet, build their own ships being small or massive. Or just make small stealth ships and take off in search of the enemy faction and spy on them.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    if judge has admin commands

    if judge has admin commands he could just teleport to the battle and observe. He would be in his own faction and both set him to friendly so they see who not to shoot

    Oh sorry. i just don\'t know what includes under the term \'Admin commands\' since i never used them.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I want to see an actual faction war, one that is actually planned out not just starts the moment you spawn into the server, that would be a boner killer if I were to go into a server where a war is happening and the moment I spawn I get killed or griefed. I want to see large battle ready ships followed by smaller battle ready ships and fly in both opening fire trying to kill eachother. That would be awesome, and if people want to see the action without being part of it, they could join the War Judges faction like KrazyKat said and just park their ship cores and watch the battle.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    The eternal problem with most \"war\" systems on servers where there\'s less than 100 or so people online at all times is that war is usually declared just so the attacker can have some kind of vague reason to legally go hunt lone ships and pick them off while extracting tears for the lulz ... or manipulating the game sytem to gain territory when their opponent can\'t possibly defend it because of real world time restrictions.

    The concept of having wars being managed is interesting, I\'ll give you that. A mediator/judge dictating a time for both sides to bring their fleets and throw down could be good. Bigger still is the idea that wars must have a definite set of goals for both sides. The winner and loser need to have hard-coded triggers for who needs to do what in order to win the war, and both sides must risk something in the whole process or it\'s just meaningless.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    There needs to be an order to the wars and factions themselves, cause it kind of ruins the game and the fun when some douche goes off and only picks fights with random people and having those people rage quit. The goals could be something like:

    -Kill the opposing faction leader 3x
    -Capture the opposing faction leader 2x (This would be finished when players infultrate the main ship or base, all of the leaders guards have been killed and him/her surrounded, once that happenes the leader needs to stop what he/she is doing and just surrendor)
    -Destory all main bases
    -Destory all main ships

    And things like that, this would help out a lot in keeping a war in order, if you guys have any other opinions please post them, I\'m really greatful that the few who HAVE responded have liked my idea, I thank you guys.
    Jul 5, 2013
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    I also play a massively multiplayer online air combat game called Aces High II. There are weekly events of exactly the type being discussed here. In that game there are three countries; Bishops, Knights, and Rooks. For these events an arena is opened and one country is the judges/observers with the other two being the two sides of the war. Observers are volunteers chosen from the player base. The two teams are each given a set of aircraft or other assets to choose from, a goal or target and victory conditions. These event usually last about two hours with the arena opening one half hour before start. Players and Squadrons must sign up ahead of time. Players or Squadrons who do this regularly are often asked to enter the rotation of observers.

    If the various factions interested in doing this simply got together and agree to a set of ground rules with a third faction chosen as referee, you could pull it off, if you could get access to a private server for a couple of hours. Faction heads could even design a battlefield, set starting conditions, etc. ahead of time. In my air combat game it isn\'t unusual to see 100 - 200 players at these events.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Yea, I guess another faction can be the judges and observers, that faction can create a cool battlefield with:
    Mines (Like the one in Galaxy quest),

    Rogue turrets attached to asteriods

    Pirates with more advanced ships

    And such, both factions will be given a specific sector they will go and there they can do whatever they want, build bases or re-purpose the abandoned bases that are around, build large ships or spawn some in (Only ships that are assigned to you, otherwise there would be ships that look the same confusing a few people) the wars can be several types of wars, like:

    Standard Battle
    Encounter Battle
    Capture/Kill the leader
    Capture the Flag (The flag could be a specific block)
    Sudden Raid