War Declarations

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Declare War on Hostile Action should be extended to allies as well. As it stands an ally can come over and attack your stuff while offline and you will never figure out who it was unless you have the server logs or they tell you. This to me is a very serious war exploitation system that needs to change.


    Gone but not forgotten
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    Declare War on Hostile Action should be extended to allies as well. As it stands an ally can come over and attack your stuff while offline and you will never figure out who it was unless you have the server logs or they tell you. This to me is a very serious war exploitation system that needs to change.
    I do agree with this to an extent, i think for allies it should be a two step process, first shot sets to neutral (in case of accidental friendly fire) gives maybe a 5-15 second grace period, if the assault continues, war declaration.

    - works like *kick for friendly fire* on faction perms
    -- I have been on the receiving end of this exact issue before, while online, where an ally came after us and not declaring war. meaning they could shoot us at their leisure while our turrets did nothing to stop them
    May 24, 2016
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    I take it this suggestion has something to do with Killa's attack on me? I'm not 100% sure, but i think First Order was green to us at first, because when he entered the system it registered as friendly. But after he attacked me, he turned red
    Feb 16, 2014
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    I take it this suggestion has something to do with Killa's attack on me? I'm not 100% sure, but i think First Order was green to us at first, because when he entered the system it registered as friendly. But after he attacked me, he turned red
    I turned red to you because I set you as a personal enemy. That way my turrets would fire on you
    Feb 27, 2014
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    Looks like some personal grivences XD
    But yes, I hope this gets fixed before more players find out about it.
    Jan 28, 2015
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    There is nothing to fix because it works as it should. The individual trigger flag stands above the faction trigger flag.

    In StarMade there are multiple ways to target people or factions.

    Some are easy to understand. You fire on someone and this person is in a faction then this might declare war on that faction. That is that persons faction has auto war on hostile action on.

    Some are more sneaky or less obvious. If a factionless person fires at a person in a faction. Then that doesn't declare war. Rather that persons name is auto added to the factions personal enemy list. Again the faction must have declare war on hostile action on. Faction AI turrets will now target that player.

    The reverse is also possible. I am in a faction and tag on Neutrals are hostile. Now ALL players without a faction AND the Trade guild are enemy. My AI turrets will target them.

    However i can be even more specific. I myself write down the name of a player in my factions personal enemy list. Now my turrets will target that player. If they shoot him then one of two things will hapen. If the player is factionless then he/she dies "hopefully" and that's it. BUT is that person in a faction and that faction has auto war on hostile action on. Then the fact he/she gets shot also triggers faction war. Because you made the person a target first!

    This is great for kill boxes, traps and plain good old backstabs because beeing ally doesn't mean a darn thing. Just look at the wonderfull world around us WW2 Germany vs Russia etc etc

    Beware that NOT setting the faction tab. Declare war on hostile action. Means that everyone can just shoot your stuff and get away with it. Since you order the server to IGNORE it. You will NOT get a message of who did the shooting. The attacker must have declare war on hostile action turned off to. Since the auto hostile trigger does not check who shoots who just that something is shot.
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    Jan 31, 2015
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    It's a bad loophole. Agree with OP except including allies should be a separate option, because if you like to fight alongside allies there will be friendly fire sometimes, and the last thing you need is an allies cruiser's turrets turning on you mid-firefight.

    I still want to see players able to access longer-term logs of actions affecting them, including damage to fleets and stations while offline. When, where, what happened, and who did it (if not effectively jammed throughout entire incident). With fleets especially this is a major shortcoming; they randomly just disappear sometimes leaving no hint as to what went wrong.

    If we at least KNEW our ally had attacked a certain entity at a certain time, we could choose to declare against them.
    Jan 31, 2015
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    Thanks. I suggested a feature that would do this right before fleets were released because it became instantly apparent that something vital was missing.
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    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Yep but unlike non-allies it should take more than a couple of hits to account for accidental firing. That said anything that causes direct damage to more than just shields should auto declare war without the grace hits. If it just damages shields and nothing else, no big deal, the second it damages something other than shields all bets are off.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Friendly fire, especially accidents with turrets, happen all the time. I have no problem with this being an optional, additional setting, but it shouldn't be something that's on automatically if you have war dec on hostile action on.

    Also, consider the possibility of having "kick on friendly fire" extend to allies instead, so that an alliance doesn't get broken because of one low rank noob trying to get everyone to war dec.
    Jul 29, 2013
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    Yes there should be something that allows the option for war when attacked by allies, how that will be determined is up to schine of course.
    Jun 17, 2015
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    Well we already get msgs about who did what and who fired first, but that does squat unless dec war on hostile action is on