Video of this Turret Bug

    Nov 18, 2013
    Reaction score
    Judging from the video, the actual problem you\'re encountering is something else - note the fact that you have something selected as you enter the Bobby AI module. If you enter the AI config menu whilst having an entity selected, you will be manipulating the AI of the selected entity (a ship, in this case) rather than the entity to which the activated Bobby AI module belongs (the turret).

    Try clearing your target selection or select the turret of which you want to actually modify the AI. That should allow you to actually manipulate the turret you want rather than whatever you\'ve selected at that time.
    Dec 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    Ahhh, you know what, that makes so much sense. I\'m going to try it now. Cheers for the input :)

    and if it turns out to be that simple, I will administer a good palm to my face.
    Dec 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    Ok...ensuring I had no target of any kind selected, the turrets do indeed stay on \"turret\" and active...the turrets however still do not fire at pirates.

    2 points here;

    1, surely whatever you have targeted should only be altered if you use the AI panel, accessing the Bobby AI directly should mean that no matter what you have \"selected\" only that Bobby AI is affected???

    2, could the turrets not firing simply be to do with it being a faction home, and therefore they \"dont feel the need\" to fire?

    ...and goddamnit, can someone tell me how to reply without that damn subject line? If I leave it blank, it auto fills it, if I edit and delete it, it re auto fills it?!?!?
    Dec 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    UPDATE: fixed.

    Thank you Schema, you legend...I just witnessed all 4 station turrets beat off a wave of pirates! They work now...whatever you did...thank you :)

    Thanks for making StarMade