various enhancements

    which options do you vote for?

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    Jun 6, 2014
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    at first i was thinking of just jump drives and scanners, but there are so many little things that can be enhanced, instead of making various posts, i'm making a vote page.
    choices are unlimited, as in select as many as you like.

    of course, this is merely a poll for the devs to see, making it easier, i'll add to it from time to time, but i'm not often online, so if moderators and such wish to add to it, by all means.

    for fairness reasons, i am not casting a vote myself. so it's entirely up to you's to point the direction. besides, in a matter of speaking, i'm casting my votes by putting the list up.

    *1. "charge" systems should be able to be activated at any charge state.*
    things like the new "scanner" block, or a jumpdrive...
    of course, it's not that precise...
    i propose the game divides the charge percentage from the max, then adds a dynamic penalty based on how much charge is left.
    basically, the earlier you activate the system, the worse the penalty would be, where spamming activation may actually be more harm then good. (like massive power drain), at no point should this nullify the power requirement. in fact it should actually drain the ship power, and re-calculate the difference minus 10%...
    making power generation more important then storage (like vessels with barely any generation, but with insane storage capacity)

    *2. over-charge *
    i'm sure many of you have wished that the jump drive was slightly more efficient that one time... (like when you have sector size at 9000, and jumpdrive takes a few minutes to charge... but your SO close...)
    we could take a few ways of actually triggering this, but the one i propose is automatic, if your just short of a destination, it should ask if you wish to use the overcharge feature, say 150% efficiency at the cost of 200% power... and a 50% increase in charge time...
    in essence, a recovery time due to overworked components.
    the same charge style would be applicable to other "charge" style systems.

    *3. exposed modding functionality.
    this one we do know is coming, i'm proposing that we prioritize access to existing functions, i'm talking server to client modding. for prime examples (although more complex then what i'm currently thinking), Grand Theft auto :san Andreas has two multiplayer mods, (multi theft auto, and SA:MP)
    just cause 2 also has one (same team as SA:MP)

    (you can ignore this paragraph if you know what a server to client setup is)
    the client connects to the server, and awaits instructions, what to download... what to load.
    the advantage is the incredible flexibility, this allows the server to radically change the client game, loading new cars, new people, new guns... even new maps or map elements...
    this is achieved by exposing the games core to a "simple" API.

    honestly, most of the work is already done, there is no fixed things in starmade, and it's already server based, but we need to allow a server operator to add blocks to the game, and call existing functionalty easily. we need a drag and drop modding layer for server operators. and a scripting access, this would drastically speed up the games development too, the community would build things that schema could use, or even provide inspiration for a new idea (like minecraft's horses, they are actually from a mod from dr zhark, but were incorparted later...)

    once this was done, it'd be a floodgate.
    i'm not talking about script access to the game's base code, i'm talking a "simplified" API for the majority of starmade's functions.

    *4. scanners *
    they are simple, (okay, to be perfectly fair, i have NOT used a scanner, but i've been reading everyone's complaints so far)
    they should be more diverse, they need to scan planets, provide co-ordinates to objects in scan range (unless it's a ship...), and they need logic activation, this will allow people to launch scout drones...

    *5. power control *
    damn near every sci fi ship I've seen has the ability to transfer power to various systems, extra power to engines... divert power from a system to shields....
    it'll allow more customization in fights, later they could be controlled by "engineering"...
    boosting a components overall efficiency...

    *6. advanced customization *
    this is more an enhancement on the power control, but able to be implemented seperately to it... so i seperated it.
    i'm talking weapons customization... projectile size (energy weapons, not solid projectiles)
    projectile speed, fire rate (means damage rate for lasers), weapon cooldown (the actual physical refire rate)...

    shields would have capacity, recharge rate, or damage mitigation (i think starmade supports it)

    thrusters would allow focus on turning, speed, acceleration... or even strafing...

    *7. Ai *
    i don't know if we would call this a re-work... or the beginning of it, as i'm not really sure any of us would call the current setup... ai...
    we should begin at the beginning, the ai need to "see" ships, if your nose to nose with a hostile, it should be firing at you, even if you have a radar jammer...
    turrets should not risk firing on friends (this one i think is "easy" to fix, at least from my point of view, the ai should compare distance, to weapon type, to friendly distance, and velocities...
    if a friend COULD get within the projected area, plus a 25% margin of error, it does not fire)
    this would solve the issue of turret friendly fire, but it WILL make a AI turret inferior to a player one, since a player may risk a shot the AI would not.
    the AI need to "return" to docks they were docked to, IF they were released by a pilot on a mother ship, automatically, once hostiles are dead.

    and they need some battle sense, waves of small fighters, should not rush into a hopeless battle, no matter how "large" the force is,
    if it's a certain death, they should not attempt it.
    if a superior force heads in, they should retreat, if the force is faster, they should attempt distraction, to allow others to escape...
    and they need to use advantages, like cloaks, radar jammers, even jumpdrives...
    an Ai that can only beat you with a vastly superior ship is not a challenge. even when given a fleet of ships, more then capable of shredding a ship, their current "tactics" end up costing them what should be a decisive victory, and a fleet...
    and just as important, they need to use "resources" (perhaps the new faction point system?)
    if they have been successfully repressing players, they should get stronger, encouraging players to strike them, or even factions to team up against a serious threat. by stronger, i mean they should use stronger ships.
    if they are getting smacked around, they should consider numbers over raw power...

    *8. mechanical setups *
    if anyone has played space engineers, they would probably know about the rotor, and piston blocks...
    i'm suggesting a modified docking block, it would combine the functions of the two, being able to extend, and rotate...

    the base functionality is already in the game, it treats the other side as a seperate entity, docked... which means it'll need to be built Seperately as a ship (the piece should have a special docking point block, which when connected to a mothership, is where the connection is actually made), BUT when docked, it's stats become part of the host ship. this includes power, shields, weapons, and even thrust...
    by extension, we'd be able to build moving platforms for turrets, automated ship docks... or even ram weapons when collision detection is on (and working correctly)

    when the rotary-piston "extends", it simply "pushes" the entity away, and adds a "block" between it, counting it as a block to hit, allowing the rod to be destroyed, and hence, sever the connection between a piece and the main ship...
    this means there is a risk to the benefit. the piece should "repair" by retracting whatever is left of the rod outside, back inside, plus a "cooldown" of say 1 second, a block.
    connecting a few of these blocks together, should allow them to hold bigger items on the "dock"
    rather like extenders do now,
    allowing longer "pillars" to connect vessels, also allowing someone to decide on elegance, with say 1 pillar for a small ship, or maybe 4 pillars for the same ship, making it seriously harder to disconnect...

    this would also open the door for "airlocks" between ships...

    *9. airlocks *
    we can make the appearance, but we can't make them, we've all had to jump out of our ship to fly through space to a station, simply because it's too big for a hanger... (okay, maybe not all, but most)
    air locks would be a 3X3 ring of blocks, which when activated, would look for another airlock directly across from it, (and snap the ships to connect if they were close enough, but not quite)

    i propose two variants, the standard, which co-operates with an existing airlock, and the boarding, which is short ranged, less precise, and gains control of the airlock on the target, more precisely, it stops the target ship from disconnecting the airlock connection. making it important to defend airlocks.
    it would count as a weapon, which when lock is achieved, would only then nullify a ships cloak, allowing surprise boarding parties.

    there are disadvantages, a boarded ship must be protected, so it has access to power and shields from the attacking ship's stores... meaning a pure boarding vessel would best function with minimal power and shields, since they are available to the victim...
    this would NOT work backwards, meaning attempting to hijack a ship in combat could quickly become dangerous if re-inforcements arrive, and since shield and power is being drained by the boarded ship, it's defenses go down last. meaning being the attacker carries serious risk. once the boarding airlock is broken, the victim ship regains control of the airlock (aka, they lock and can only be opened by friendly faction members).
    since handheld weapons are well... useless on a ship, it forces the boarding party to attempt to gain control, as they no longer have an exit. until a literal hole is blasted in the side at least...
    Last edited:
    Feb 24, 2014
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    I'm most interested in Mechanical blocks. I think this game would have a lot easier time implementing pistons, rotors, ect than other games. In minecraft for example pistons, minecrats, and other moving or mechanical blocks tend to be buggy as heck. But in minecraft there was not 360 degrees of movement. You couldn't rotate something 45 degrees or move something half a block away. There were limitations setup within the world, where StarMade seems to have the whole "space" concept down pat.


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    Jun 25, 2013
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    1 - I agree with this. Maybe not 100% but it does sound nice.

    2 - I'm down for overcharging. Perhaps even with the adjustment to charge rate the next time the object is used. I would consider that an overheat though as well, which could apply some damage to the blocks being used in the system. More over charging means more overheating and eventually you will destroy things in your ship. Same principle applies in real life. Lightbulbs can give out more light with more power. Putting in too much power eventually pops them.

    4 - Everyone would like more than one scanner.

    5 - Certainly something that has been suggested. Just not sure how well it would impact gameplay.
    Jun 6, 2014
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    1 - I agree with this. Maybe not 100% but it does sound nice.

    2 - I'm down for overcharging. Perhaps even with the adjustment to charge rate the next time the object is used. I would consider that an overheat though as well, which could apply some damage to the blocks being used in the system. More over charging means more overheating and eventually you will destroy things in your ship. Same principle applies in real life. Lightbulbs can give out more light with more power. Putting in too much power eventually pops them.

    4 - Everyone would like more than one scanner.

    5 - Certainly something that has been suggested. Just not sure how well it would impact gameplay.

    yeah, although i'd like damage for overcharging things (and agree wholeheartedly that it'd be fantastic to damage things by overcharge) the problem is the way the game handles that sort of damage (or seems to anyway), namely, sun damage, random blocks in random areas, although it would encourage smarter designs, since you'd need to be able to see the whole rig, most people don't cleverly design a weapons layout, they cram them into every exposed nook and cranny... if a random block broke, how would you find it? would you even know it broke?
    if they started destroying exposed blocks however, then HELL YEAH!
    (by "exposed" blocks, i mean blocks that are "exposed" to air.)
    if some smart ass covers all the blocks however, i say it should get vindictive and actually damage large parts and sever them into smaller chunks, effectively, drastically reducing weapon power...[DOUBLEPOST=1415166293,1415164667][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I'm most interested in Mechanical blocks. I think this game would have a lot easier time implementing pistons, rotors, ect than other games. In minecraft for example pistons, minecrats, and other moving or mechanical blocks tend to be buggy as heck. But in minecraft there was not 360 degrees of movement. You couldn't rotate something 45 degrees or move something half a block away. There were limitations setup within the world, where StarMade seems to have the whole "space" concept down pat.
    that's because of the approach, i followed minecraft for quite a while, and even had a peek at the (mess) of a code exposed by the forge API.
    frankely, between my almost no programming experience (or knowledge), and the utter mess, i gave up rather quickly on even attempting modding it...
    minecraft was built literally as lego for pc, they later added minecarts, and then decided (by very popular demand) to attempt to move blocks, with another block. none of which was even thought about initially.

    starmade actually has little in common with minecraft, each ship, each station, each planet... is treated as a sub-world. and the galaxy is treated as the main world.
    (i'm going to guess here) chain docking is simply stating that subworld-A is "main" to subworld-B "slave"

    that said, this is simple compared to the programming that would be behind this feat.

    that's why i think a rotary-piston would be easy to implement, almost everything is there, and the game engine is actually designed around the idea of sub-worlds being independent of each world. so they can be easily manipulated with the only real cost being to graphics rendering, this feature would not go down well for the already troubled intel graphics cards built into most laptops.

    (on a bright note, intel have stopped building motherboards for computers, so more companies will build decent graphics cards into laptops, since they have to design and build the motherboard themselves, basically computers should get a lot better in the next few years, simply because the baseline has gone up on the graphics... sorry, relevant, but irrelevant)

    back on topic, can you imagine a ship that re-configures thanks to this? a sleek narrow vessel, suddenly the sides rotate out, making the sides face forward, exposing a massive barrage of weapons to the front...
    this vessel, is now wider then it's length, literally peppering it's target with small arms fire... or protecting other vessels with a literal shield...
    or a ring of turrets on a space station, every time a turret fails, you simply rotate the ring, bringing another into firing range...
    or even to adjust a weapon for a otherwise impossible shot.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Not down for pistons etc. This is not suppose to be space engineers.
    Jun 19, 2014
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    Not down for pistons etc. This is not suppose to be space engineers.
    Moving blocks have actually been confirmed (I believe). Besides, the movement parts are the only thing that make SE and minecraft interesting, so why not have them in starmade too?
    Jun 6, 2014
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    Not down for pistons etc. This is not suppose to be space engineers.
    who said it was? but a idea is still a idea, if they did not take inspiration, then this game would not have even existed...
    you objecting since the inspiration was space engineers? or because you don't like the idea of pistons and rotars in general?

    by the way, i prefer starmade to space engineers, yes starmade does not look as nice (especially with collisions), but starmade is much more thought out then space engineers. all you can do is build in engineer's...
    at least in starmade there are pirates, stations to find, and... okay that's about it.

    my ideas (or ones i'm posting) are mostly about adding to the game, as functions, or as new content. the good thing about the rotary-piston is that just because it's there, does not mean you ever have to use it. or even if you do, since it's parameters are set by user, you can stop it rotating, or extending, using it as a direct connection block.
    or you can make elaborate super complex mechanical like contraptions...

    if your worried about abuse, i imagine it'd be set up similar to space engineers, no matter how many "rotars" you have connected, the max rotation would be rather slow. that said, there are ways around that.

    the whole point of this thread is to post ideas, if there is a reason you think a idea is bad, it becomes important to mention...
    unless it is just personal opinion. that get's shown in the votes above. but problems may be overcome with logic. and thought.
    personal opinion, although changeable, is not ours to change.
    Jun 15, 2014
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    We do have something that can move blocks. We have push, pull and stop effect you can do a lot of things with them.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Sorry, I should off stated it a bit more. As a server admin and playing Minecraft and Space Engineers and many others games / running servers all I can think is more physics calculations. I find a lot these developers talented but it seems when it comes to threading and physics all bets are off. It's crazy we can move 100000's of blocks around in space and even more so blowing them up. I just don't like to see the day when people will feel the need to piston a planet around. Jokes aside I love the idea I just fear more bogging down on the game when I would love to see other things in the game first before adding another massive system to take another hit.
    Jun 6, 2014
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    We do have something that can move blocks. We have push, pull and stop effect you can do a lot of things with them.
    don't know about funnybunny, but what i'm referring to is essentially a specialized dock, that can extend, or rotate on command.
    actually, the best example is a turret, it can rotate 360 degrees, and aim up and down...
    personally i'm against the up-down aiming for this. the simpler the main control, the more complex we can make things. besides, we could attach another at a right angle for that effect...
    the main difference, is that anything docked, literally becomes part of the ships function, from thrusters, to weapons... to power and shields...
    with no actual requirement other then to place a special block to tell the game where this piece would dock... it would otherwise be a standard ship.
    the idea is to allow people to build complex mechanical based contraptions, a simple example that comes to mind would be humanoid robots, with a mechanical dock system, we could build a humanoid arm, rotating at the shoulder, the elbow, and the hand...

    that said, i'm not interested in flying robot ships.... i want to make complex doors, articulated weapon "arms", massive shot blocker barriers for protecting friendly ships...
    i've mentioned parts of this already, but maybe this helps illustrate the intended direction. if i failed to convey it before.[DOUBLEPOST=1415179112,1415177645][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Sorry, I should off stated it a bit more. As a server admin and playing Minecraft and Space Engineers and many others games / running servers all I can think is more physics calculations. I find a lot these developers talented but it seems when it comes to threading and physics all bets are off. It's crazy we can move 100000's of blocks around in space and even more so blowing them up. I just don't like to see the day when people will feel the need to piston a planet around. Jokes aside I love the idea I just fear more bogging down on the game when I would love to see other things in the game first before adding another massive system to take another hit.
    well planet pushing can't work, like stations they are fixed in space. (thankfully)
    no amount of force will move them.
    sadly, there will be idoits, there will be people that chain rotor-pistons together in complex rigs of insanity...
    but they'll find other ways to destroy the game, the main reason i suggest this, like this, is because the game actually already does everything, they would almost literally copy a turret dock block, remove the up down aim... and add a "extend" (which would be to push or pull the entity, and "add" blocks in a pillar between the connection, and the dock.)
    essentially, other then the connecting blocks, everything is actually a copy paste job. the game engine knows the code. it'd be no different performance wise then turrets on ships. if we stretched a "block", we could cheat and only have one block placed as the extension...
    this cheat would reduce cpu use, but increase gpu use. which would not sit well with the intel graphics crowd that seems to dominate starmade...
    Aug 14, 2013
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    *6. advanced customization *
    this is more an enhancement on the power control, but able to be implemented seperately to it... so i seperated it.
    i'm talking weapons customization... projectile size (energy weapons, not solid projectiles)
    projectile speed, fire rate (means damage rate for lasers), weapon cooldown (the actual physical refire rate)...

    This is already possible. Cannon slave decreases reload time and damage, pulse slave increases it.

    shields would have capacity, recharge rate, or damage mitigation (i think starmade supports it)

    Already Possible, Capacity, Recharge, Ion Defense effect for Damage mitigation

    thrusters would allow focus on turning, speed, acceleration... or even strafing...

    Planned feature
    Jun 19, 2014
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    I'd just like the option to create lovely automated ship docking yards. This is one of many things that will make that interesting to do.
    Jun 19, 2014
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    Ah, like an automatic ship-parking-lot?
    And the winner is... Megacrafter!
    Yes, exactly like an automatic parking lot for ships. It would be incredible! Especially if there was a way to have logic across docked ships, then I could make a nice automatic parking station for my modular ships.
    Jun 6, 2014
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    *6. advanced customization *
    this is more an enhancement on the power control, but able to be implemented seperately to it... so i seperated it.
    i'm talking weapons customization... projectile size (energy weapons, not solid projectiles)
    projectile speed, fire rate (means damage rate for lasers), weapon cooldown (the actual physical refire rate)...

    This is already possible. Cannon slave decreases reload time and damage, pulse slave increases it.

    shields would have capacity, recharge rate, or damage mitigation (i think starmade supports it)

    Already Possible, Capacity, Recharge, Ion Defense effect for Damage mitigation

    thrusters would allow focus on turning, speed, acceleration... or even strafing...

    Planned feature
    yeah, i was thinking more sliders so to speak, using the stats that are currently there, like sacrificing reload for a heavier Damage...
    independent of the current weapon slave system, but still able to use the slaves...
    like if you need a fast reload, on a typically hard hitting weapon, you could sacrifice 2 damage for 1 increase in fire rate...

    actually, i did forgot the ion effect, but it still is a little underpowered. 80% should be a max, enough to seriously increase it's hit points, but not enough to make it invincible... but again, i'm suggesting this as a enhancement, except the max percentage... that really should max at 80% tops...

    planned feature? excellent.