You can create templates for the construction of ships and stations in the Soviet styleкогда вы говорите 'идеологически правильные' корабли, вы имеете в виду корабли подходящие вашей групе СССР? (если да, то вы имеете в виду корабли сделано по моделям советских кораблей или корабли которые подходящие по краске, стилю строительства й тд...?
Pssht, this one's better.Salutations, Comrades!
Name: WestWoodz
Are you a fighter pilot or a naval captain? Both, I'm flexible and willing to fullfill the needs of Mother Russia.
Experience: I have been playing Starmade for over a year. Have floated around multiple servers but haven't joined any factions as none have appealed to me (until now). Self sustainable, I have some experience in mining, manufacturing, have designed all my own ships, and never lost a battle with a ship comparable to my own.
Why do you want to find to fight for Mother Russia? Any player who doesn't want to is obviously a counterrevolutionary and must be liberated. My only desire is to help paint the stars with the hammer and sickle. Lenin be praised!
What is your favorite color (this is important): These:![]()
Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!
Salutations, Comrades!
Name: WestWoodz
Are you a fighter pilot or a naval captain? Both, I'm flexible and willing to fullfill the needs of Mother Russia.
Experience: I have been playing Starmade for over a year. Have floated around multiple servers but haven't joined any factions as none have appealed to me (until now). Self sustainable, I have some experience in mining, manufacturing, have designed all my own ships, and never lost a battle with a ship comparable to my own.
Why do you want to find to fight for Mother Russia? Any player who doesn't want to is obviously a counterrevolutionary and must be liberated. My only desire is to help paint the stars with the hammer and sickle. Lenin be praised!
What is your favorite color (this is important): These:![]()
Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!
Not sure if ussr starmade faction is still alive...Name: Timorr
Are you a fighter pilot or a naval captain? I can do both, it is a honor to fight for mother Russia.
Experience: I am not the best pilot, but I'm playing this game for over a year. I'm currently building a ship for the soviet union.
Why do you want to find to fight for Mother Russia? Because Communism Should expand and I want to kill all capitalists aliens!
What is your favorite color (this is important): Soviet RED and Soviet WHITE . Everything from mother Russia.
Working and Fighting for Soviet Union is highest honor.
You call it bumping, I call it necro.Bumping my fellow comrade!