Unprotect entities via faction module from HB protection.

    Jun 11, 2016
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    For creative building purposes it would be great to have a possibility of deactivating the inuverability of certain homebase docked entities.

    Maybe with another option in the faction module where you can select the option: inherit HB protection to this entity and to all its docked structures.

    I am not sure if it's easy to implement (or even another bug inducing code mixer), but it would give some nice possibilities for RP purposes imho.

    - You could build stations and agree that the attacker wins the fight, when he destroys a certain ammount of docked structures.
    > Also it could be possible, to loose faction points for loosing such entities. Further more it is the only way, where you could play with vunerable player made "castles", that can get sieged but not destroyed. Like in Minecraft where you allways had to fear that players just come and grief until there is nothing left on those pvp servers.
    - You could build shipyard extenstion docks for public docking, so non faction members are not safe when they are docked to your HB.
    - You could build some small containers or ships, that could be stolen from your homebase by another faction in some roleplay setting. =)
    Jan 28, 2015
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    For creative building purposes it would be great to have a possibility of deactivating the inuverability of certain homebase docked entities.
    Ehm. Is it not way easier to just build a second station? Since you can only have one Home Base.

    On the Systemhack server i once set my Home Base unprotected and advertised that in the factions list. Come and destroy it if you can massive loot inside. No joke it had like 1 billion mass of items in the storage. Guess what? Nobody got inside! Not even after months of sitting unprotected. Once a while i would logon remove the wrecks of people that tried and log off again. Only NorseEngineer one of Systemhacks admins at the time got inside using a Torch and Pirates to draw fire from the Base turrets. But ones inside he died to the nuke using anti astronaut turret.

    With the current faction permissions system and the fact that in a buildblock you have access to the structure menu. This extra option will only lead to serious unwanted breaches of security.
    Jun 11, 2016
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    Ehm. Is it not way easier to just build a second station? Since you can only have one Home Base.

    On the Systemhack server i once set my Home Base unprotected and advertised that in the factions list. Come and destroy it if you can massive loot inside. No joke it had like 1 billion mass of items in the storage. Guess what? Nobody got inside! Not even after months of sitting unprotected. Once a while i would logon remove the wrecks of people that tried and log off again. Only NorseEngineer one of Systemhacks admins at the time got inside using a Torch and Pirates to draw fire from the Base turrets. But ones inside he died to the nuke using anti astronaut turret.

    With the current faction permissions system and the fact that in a buildblock you have access to the structure menu. This extra option will only lead to serious unwanted breaches of security.
    Did you understand, that I talked about only some selected entities that are docked to the station and not the whole station? I want, that only selected parts of a station can be destroyed, not the entire station.

    And please keep in mind, that not everyone likes to build as gigantic as you seem to have done this one time you unprotected the HB. I like to build small and in this building style I can't just unprotect my whole HB - I would get annihalated. :D
    Last edited:
    Jan 28, 2015
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    Did you understand, that I talked about only some selected entities that are docked to the station and not the whole station?

    I added the example to show that you can do most of what your are asking for right now.

    With the current faction permissions system and the fact that in a buildblock you have access to the structure menu. This extra option will only lead to serious unwanted breaches of security.
    Partial setting of vulnerable will see a lot of abuse.