United Star Axis - Faction info page

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Thinking Positive
    • Likeable Gold
    • Legacy Citizen 9
    Revised: 5-17-2016

    The United Star Axis is a 22nd century deep space research and industrial design organization comprised of 5 satellite corporations; originally from planet Earth.

    A brief history.

    2056; Earth's global economy is in ruins. Farmlands across the world are experiencing droughts and crop failure. Shrinking ice caps have raised sea level and ruined coastal cities. To escape the chaos on Earth and start fresh, Star Axis founders; Nexus Inc. formed a colony on Mars immediately following the global economic collapse. As the new Martian company thrived, the United Earth Governments (UEG) began to impose fines and taxes on Nexus for settling on Mars due to a hastily made and largely unenforceable law that declares all planets, asteroids and other celestial bodies, the legal property of the UEG.

    2061; As the Nexus colony prospered, the UEG's tactics became more aggressive. Eventually Nexus began relocating their entire organization, as well as their families to Mars. An invitation was sent to Nexus' affiliate corporations to join them on Mars. This prompts the UEG to declare Nexus Inc, and its affiliates outlaws. Later that year, a fully laden supply transport en-route to the Mars colony was impounded by EUG defense forces; its crew imprisoned. War is formally declared.

    2065; Nexus and its affiliates; now calling themselves the United Star Axis have successfully repelled all attempts at an invasion by the UEG. A new interstellar warp drive technology is perfected and a course is plotted to a distant star system. Together, the Axis leaves the Sol system for deep space; leaving the decaying planet Earth to its fate...

    Who's who

    Dr. Whammy: The founder and chief executive of the United Star Axis. A former mercenary and prominent authority in the fields of constructology and destructology. He is very diplomatic but has an unhealthy obsession with missiles and weapons of mass destruction. He is the original designer of the Star Axis 25x Launcher.

    Nexus Inc.: An advanced space defense contracting firm from the former United States; specializes in space construction, electronics, and military hardware. Think of them as space D.A.R.P.A. without all the red tape.

    Volcov Industries: An efficient construction company that excels in mining, terraforming, architecture, city planning, energy production, and mass production. They are the backbone of the Axis economy.

    Fairborn Naval Industries: European company well versed in ship building. Most Axis star-ships are of Fairborn design.

    Sturmgeist Advanced Sciences: High energy physics research company with focus on propulsion and experimental weapons. This company produced the original FTL propulsion technology that allowed the Axis to leave the Sol system.

    Kisaragi Robotics: A robotics/cybernetics company that supplies advanced construction equipment and automated turrets. Performs extensive research in powered exoskeletal armors and unmanned space combat vehicles (USCVs).

    United Earth Goverments (UEG): The ruling entity of planet Earth and the main antagonists of the Axis. They are an overreaching space-age totalitarian government similar to the U.N. or United States but much more restrictive. They are bent on maintaining total control of Earth and the solar system in the midst of a failed economy and widespread poverty and famine. Due to the Axis' succession from Earth's rule and the brief military conflict that happened over Mars, the UEG now regard the Axis as a "dangerous rogue state". They have a 'warrant' for our arrest and are authorized to destroy Axis Military space craft on sight. Their technology is inferior to that of the Star Axis, but they have a large enough military to to pose a serious threat to whoever stands in their way.

    About us.

    - Faction Type: Civilian/Paramilitary

    - Government: Corporate/Authoritarian; Leadership has the final say but uses democratic input to guide decision making process while considering the needs of all citizens.

    - Foreign Policy: Diplomatic but independent. Friendly; welcomes visitors, promotes trade/commerce, offers humanitarian services. Readily accepts alliances with other factions. Has strict security policies and maintains powerful (for size) weapons and spacecraft. Tends to avoid war but will take military action to defend themselves and their allies when needed.

    - Military Capabilities: Star Axis combat spacecraft are typically smaller in size, yet powerful for their size. They strike a balance between offense, defense and versatility; able to adapt to a wide variety of combat situations. Other current hardware includes heavy defense turrets, orbital defense satellites, "Mobile Gear" power armor, tactical fighters and a "Planetary Defense Matrix" (This is how I explain faction home protection). The Axis currently exports vehicles, aircraft, power armor, and automated defensive turrets. Consumer grade star-ships will be made available for public purchase in the near future.

    - Current Location: N/A The Axis is currently surveying the Known universe (multi-player community) for an area of inhabitable space (a server compatible with Axis play-style) to establish a new colony.

    - Primary Focus: Construction and terraforming. The Axis refers to itself as a "world builder". We specialize in making elaborate planetary and space station environments with a strong emphasis on aesthetics and player immersion. We accept requests for planetary and station building assistance.

    - Secondary focus: Experimental weapons research...

    ...TLDR; Peaceful, friendly and very far away. Plays solo; but will probably ally with you if you ask. May recruit other players in the near future. Builds nice looking cities on planets. Stretches the limits of creativity and efficiency when building small craft. Makes ridiculously complex super weapons.

    Questions, concerns, snide remarks, etc, are welcome and highly encouraged.
    Last edited:


    Grand Master of OOB
    Oct 8, 2015
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    The Order of Bogatyrs would like to offer you a provisional defensive alliance. Should we happen to be on the same server, we would provide you with supplies, resources and defensive aid (should you ask for it). Conditions can be discussed further via pm.
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Thinking Positive
    • Likeable Gold
    • Legacy Citizen 9
    Now we're talking!

    Consider your offer accepted. You're always welcome in our space.
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    I really like you included city planning for Volcov Industries. I mean...it would be a part of any natural colonial development. It would make conquering planets more interesting to have some well planned cities already built.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Thinking Positive
    • Likeable Gold
    • Legacy Citizen 9
    I really like you included city planning for Volcov Industries. I mean...it would be a part of any natural colonial development. It would make conquering planets more interesting to have some well planned cities already built.
    Thanks dphilostrate.

    I started off with just a few copy/paste templates but now I have an entire system setup that is reminiscent of Sim City 2000. (I feel old now)
    Everything in the city is rigged for quick deployment from my templates and blueprints. I build the roads and power lines, then place the individual structures and surround them with pavement and accessories like factory smoke, tower cranes and small vehicles.
    Maximus before reset.jpg construction team3.jpg Tankers.jpg

    Most of my structures follow a pattern which matches the physical dimensions of my utility modules for my Pathfinder and Voyager series transports, making them largely interchangeable on ships, stations and planets.
    Combat Utility 1.jpg

    My goal is to make deeply immersive environments that players can interact in, fight on, conquer, occupy and defend. As far as conquering planets; I have a plan for that...

    Armor.jpg the squad.jpg
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    That was a great idea to use Sim City as a baseline! Of course, Volcov Industries, could always prefabricate their structures and the city planner need only lay out the roads and place docks for wherever a build is needed.

    I can see the commercials now: "Do your cities look like modernist slums? Well try Volcov Industries' postmodern urban fabrications! Ever want to stand vigil over the toiling peons beneath you? Well try Volcov's eighty-eight story skyscraper from our postmodern line! Not your budget? Then try the postmodern crystal rotunda! A great way of tricking any mob of peons in thinking you are a benevolent overlord!"

    I suppose the idea of dockable city structures would be more useful for those who wanted to conquer a planet and give some indication of having occupied it quickly so any passersby will be know "Hands off."

    And I can understand how you try to insure everything follows a standard scale too.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    • Likeable Gold
    • Legacy Citizen 9
    The Axis Mobile Command System is now fully operational. We've recently had a server reset and they're letting people bring their bases back. I'll ask the admin to bring spawn this in, then you can all come and visit.
    Axis MCS 1.jpg Axis MCS 2.jpg Axis MCS 3.jpg Axis MCS 4.jpg Axis MCS 5.jpg Axis MCS 6.jpg Axis MCS 7.jpg Axis MCS 8.jpg
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    Wait, why would servers not want you to build on planets?

    Also, that's why building entities might do well if people do not like the style. The buildings could be removed easily.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 11
    Wait, why would servers not want you to build on planets?
    Sometimes planets cause lag on servers, and more frequently, people who build on planets tend to leave spare cores and shuttles sitting on the surface, which cause a lot of collision lag.