What is your Username, Gender and age? (My username is .... I am ....I am ....)
LoLzboi, Male 18
Why do you want to apply to become an official U.G.S.C member? Keep it breif. (I want to become a member because...Im good at....Im not so good at...)
I wish to join the faction beacause it is well organized and is a Halo themed faction with room for \"non-lore\" based ships.
What is the class you wish to apply for: Marine or Fighter/ODST/Engineer/Builder/Scavanger (Marine)
Engineer, I wish to set up many battle stations and deep space hubs for both light attack vessels (fighter craft-cruisers), as well as heavy attack vessels (dreadnaught-Titan)
Why do you wish to apply for this class?(Im good at killing stuff.)
I am a good builder with experience building large docking platforms, and large attack vessels.
What type of ship do you prefer to fly: fighter/ frigate/dropship/ droppod? (Fighter)
Frigate as it is more useful if I were to be called upon to join the fight.
How good are your pilot skills? (Good, i can kill... amounts of people)
Pirates are not much of a problem for me, however I have only engaged in PVP