Turrets that "stop existing"

    Jul 5, 2013
    Reaction score
    Yesterday, I was playing on a server with my faction, and then one member bought a Titan ship... The ship didn't loaded up, only the turrets...

    Then the owner of the faction wanted to move all the turrets (there were a lot of turrets) on our planet, instead of scavenging them...

    Since I I thought that moving them all one-by-one was a bit long, I decided to build a big space basket, to swoop the turrets up and put them on the planet faster.

    It worked, and we started puttig the turrets on turret dockings, forthe time being.

    I then had to go eat, so I exited the game... But once I got back, the turrets were glitched.

    The turrets were all gone, but their entity (or something) was still there. We can see them and they are on showing on the minimap, but we cannot interact with them, they don't show on the navigation page, and we can't delete them.

    ... And now my faction blames me (because of my space basket) for this glitch.

    Also, we cannot build where the turrets are, because the game sees the turrets like if they we still there.
    Jul 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    Blame the guy that decided to move the turrets instead of scavenging them. when a partial load happens, all the entities that spawn in are generally glitched.

    tell the guy that spawned the titan that he may have to re-save it, since the catalog entry most likely didn\'t load all of the ship.