Turrets not showing up in weapons list?

    Sep 5, 2013
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    I've watched a dozen tutorials on youtube, and probably read as many in forums and the like. I can make the turret. I get into its ship core and test-fire the cannons/missiles, and then dock the turret to the turret docking unit. After that, I switch the BOBBY AI to "all," "turret," and "activate." Go back to the main ship and bring up the weapons list, nothing shows up but the docking/undocking options. I'd appreciate any help, because I have been trying to figure this out for two days now.
    Aug 3, 2013
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    ...because the turret remains a unique ship, independent of the mothership\'s control. (hence, needing a BAI to function)
    Sep 5, 2013
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    I see that I can\'t set them up on the hotbar through the main ship\'s weapons menu. I had assumed that the turrets tracked my reticle or something when I set them to fire on selected target, but didn\'t actually fire until I hit the mouse key. Rather, it seems that they automatically fire at whatever I have targeted - so when I highlight a shop to navigate to, the turrets start firing as soon as they\'re in range.

    The problem now, then, is that I can\'t get them to stop firing at the shop once they\'ve started, short of leaving their range again. I\'ve tried switching to a distant target, but they just keep firing away at the shop. The other alternative is to exit the ship and access the BAI to de-activate each turret. If I have to manually turn on/off the turrets, it becomes really clunky. I want them off when neutral/friendly players are around, but on if there is a potential for danger. If an enemy player or pirate pops up, I can\'t exactly ask them to wait while I float out to the turrets and turn them on.

    Is there any way to control the turret behavior remotely?
    Jun 27, 2013
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    I think it\'s probably best to save turrets for defending space stations etc. if they\'re going to fire at anything that moves. Imagine the failure travelling in a fleet...
    Jun 24, 2013
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    You have to set the AI to \'Any\' (and \'Turret).

    This way they will only shoot at enemy ships. Though you can\'t control at which enemy they shoot, if multiple ships are present. This works fairly bad if you are attacking a pirate base as the pirate turrets are often not in line of sight, which causes the your turrets to simply not fire.

    Still this the best you can get with the current AI.
    Sep 5, 2013
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    I discovered the problem - my game defaulted to listing all neutrals as enemies, so my turrets were shooting at everything, friend, foe, and shop alike.