Turrets can damage themselves?

    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    So this seems like a silly feature. An oversight maybe. Missile turrets are absolutely lethal against themselves and other docked turrets. If they fire at something very close to them then half of the turrets on my ship disappear in a puff of smoke. The other ship doesn't even have to fire and several of my turrets will be either damaged or destroyed in an engagement, either because they're caught in the blast radius or, presumably, because the missiles from other turrets hit them from behind.

    I thought I'd put this in suggestions, but it isn't really a suggestion. I'd like to see missiles be unable to damage their host - especially since regular AMC turrets can't damage other turrets.

    Also, maybe nerf/buff missiles a bit? My teeny tiny fighter can make a hole 10 blocks across with just one missile, yet my larger ship makes a hole that is more or less the same size, despite doing 100x more damage.

    Would you guys agree that there needs to be a change? Would you agree with the (vague) changes I laid out or would you suggest something else? Or is this old news, and I'm terrible because I didn't use the search function?
    Aug 14, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Councillor 3 Gold
    • Wired for Logic
    • Top Forum Contributor
    It's been reported, just a matter of time before Schema squashes it. http://bugs.star-made.org/issues/340

    Missile radius has a max size, which can be expanded by adding explosive effects to your weapons. The max size also differs between missile types. The Hulk missile radius is like 20
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