Turret updates

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Hey people.
    I know that if you have a Turret Mk I docked to a ship, then save the ship in the catalog, then the next time you buy the ship, it will spawn with the turret. Now, I wonder what if you saved the turret before that and then upgrade the turret (Now Mk II) and then buy the ship? Would it have the same or the upgraded turret? I'm guessing the Mk I version, but wouldn't it be awesome if you could perhaps even choose if the docking places on a ship (no matter if turret or ship) are used when you buy it?
    Imagine it like this:
    A ship has 4 turret docking spaces of 10x10 each. Now, lets say you have a bunch of "ships" that have the necessary traits to serve as a turret (core at the bottom, AI?). Their dimensions are 5x5, 10x10, 15x15. So you could click on the docking space (whilst buying the ship!) and select the option to dock either the 5x5 or the 10x10 turret to it, which of course raises the price of the ship you are buying. Perhaps instead of making it text based we could even see a 3D ghost image of the ship we are buying and we can just select the docking spaces? This would allow to easily refit the turrets on our ships when we buy them.
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    Currently when you save a ship, i believe the data for the turrets/docked ships is stored within that ship blueprint aswell.

    As for your idea, its not bad, but probably isnt that practical and i can't see it being used a great deal. Unless you are using it simply to update your turrets to a new version (as per your example) you would run into issues with the docking box. The problem being that people dont build turrets to standard sizes (appart from the default box), so you wouldnt often have many options other than the original turrets.
    Plus the other issue is the asthetics of the ship. Alot of the time, turrets are designed to suit the look of the ship, even a different colour scheme would make this irritating.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I understand what you mean.
    But what about people who build multiple turrets that all have the same kind of look, but have different sizes and functions. So, the ships that person builds fits the look-sheme of the turrets, so it doesn't matter which turret is put where, or not much at least. I think in such cases it might be quite useful to be able to switch your 10x10 laser turrets for 10x10 AMC turrets on the second ship one buys because that person thinks it works better, or for whatever reason they want to change the turrets.

    Better yet! What if you could buy turrets for your already bought ships as long as you are near a shop and they are directly attached? That would save players the tedious job of attaching every turret per hand!
    Jun 26, 2013
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    If you decide to make "interchangeable" turrets, then make it your thing. It think it is always nice to have the option that you suggest, though. I intend to make several corvettes the same "base" ship, albeit with different turret configurations, so i kind of understand. And yeah, the turret you save with the ship when it is mounted on it stays the same even if you update that turret blueprint.