Turret undocking offset


    Simply complicated.
    Dec 29, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    I dunno about you guys, but I would love it if you could undock a turret with an offset you could specify (something like 10 - 75m) so that it spawned a little above where it's spose to be docked... allowing you to edit the mother docking point without having to delete the turret, or respawn and re-dock a new one, or undock and move it up and out and then edit the mother and then re-dock.

    You simply undock, put in an offset of whatever you want within a range that doesn't allow much in the way of exploit, and then re-dock once you've finished editting the mother.

    A potential exploit/feature could also be as a bomber you could buzz enemy and undock/offset mines by a small distance, where they spawn near to the enemy target and then detonate on contact... I don't see that as much of a negative in the way of exploit.

    Your thoughts?