Turret Troubles (Solved)

    Jun 4, 2015
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    I have been trying to get a turret to dock to my ship for about 3 days now after following several youtube video and guides online.

    Ship: Core, Power, Turret Dock Unit, Bobbi AI

    Turret: Core, Bobbi AI

    I have gotten into the turret and set the ship core to hotbar 0 and pointed at the dock unit on the ship and pushed 0, right clicked and left clicked and nothing happened.

    When I go to the bobbi ai on the turret and set it to turret / active I get a warning that this vessle was AI controlled.

    Any help would be grateful

    Image: B: Bobbi AI, C: Core, D: Docking, P: Power


    Mar 18, 2014
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    Docking (including turrets) has been changed dramatically; you may find the news helpful. Basically you'll need a Rail Turret Axis block on the host ship instead of a Turret Docking Unit, and you'll need to add a Rail Docker to the bottom of the turret. Add the docker to your hotbar, then fire it at the axis block. Note that the turret will align based on the directional orientation of the axis and docker blocks (and business-ends of each need to be able to mate facing each other).

    Also look for Bench's videos linked from previous dev blog posts, I think (or else somewhere in this forum).


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    Sep 10, 2013
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    Did you make sure the Turret dock was oriented correctly? when you go into build mode on your parent ship does a Red box show up near the turret dock? if it does then something is getting in the way of the turret docks docking space. Also when you activate the AI on a ship it gets turned off as soon as you enter its core. Basically its meant to be a set it and forget it set up.

    Other then that it should work but then again you are using the old docking system, ever since the most recent update added the new rail docking system it hasn't been working properly.

    if you need to know how to use the rail system watch this.
    Jun 4, 2015
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    Docking (including turrets) has been changed dramatically; you may find the news helpful. Basically you'll need a Rail Turret Axis block on the host ship instead of a Turret Docking Unit, and you'll need to add a Rail Docker to the bottom of the turret. Add the docker to your hotbar, then fire it at the axis block. Note that the turret will align based on the directional orientation of the axis and docker blocks (and business-ends of each need to be able to mate facing each other).

    Also look for Bench's videos linked from previous dev blog posts, I think (or else somewhere in this forum).
    Thanks :) This solved it.
    Nov 21, 2013
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    Personally I was confused and tried smashing together combinations of dockers and rail-basics, because I thought the docking was magnetic.

    It took me a bit to understand the orientations and blocks needed to dock(I think the first attempt was smashing two rail-dockers together).

    Here's a basic docking tutorial, if anyone else is confused(I still don't know logic or rails):
    1. Put the rail-docker block's arrows facing the direction you want the entity to go, and the arrows should be on the surface where it will contact the dock.
    2. Make room for the ship, and place the docking target(rail basic, maybe other?) with the track facing the direction you want the ship to face, and with the track on the surface where it should contact the ship's rail-docker.
    3. Move the rail-docker to the hotbar, and use its beam to hit the rail basic(or other?).
    Jul 6, 2013
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    Also bobby AIs can't be set to active while you in build mode in the turret. You need to exit the core of the turret then you can activate the AI either by manually accessing the bobby AI while flying around as an astronaut or you can access the main ship core and through the structure tab activate all bobby AIs, you would need to set the settings manually before hand though. Ship/turret. Any/Selected/Missile can be setup while in build mode with the turret but not active/inactive. Its setup so no player and AI can be controlling the same entity at the same time. This also means jumping into the core of a turret will also automatically disable the bobby AI.