turret targeting for ai

    Jan 24, 2015
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    i've come to a conlusion based on a few fact so please read it completly before replying

    first of, radarjammers or not usefull unless you are cloaked
    second, power cost for radarjammer and cloaker increases as mass does
    third, cloak is disabled the moment you fire any weapon

    so based on those two i've concluded that radarjammers aren't that desired, because if you care anything about looks your mass will already be too big to cloak with your current powergeneration
    though the jammer will require less power that is completly useless if you can't get the cloak on even against ai turrets

    and because cloak/jammer becomes less desired so is the scanner and the antenna
    my suggjestion would be to change requirments for turrets,
    manned turrets would stay the same as it's just like a manned ship
    ai turrets however would need either a cammera or a scanner to target enemy ships or both
    camera turrets can only target uncloaked ships in their field of vieuw
    scanner turrets can target cloaked and uncloaked ships as long as it doesn't have a jammer active
    turrets that have both can taget any ship that isn't cloaked and jammed
    turrets that have neither wouldn't be able to do anything unless they are manned

    this would add a bit more strategy to building your turrets, do i spend blockspace to a scanner or do i just use a cammera
    on the other hand if you know your enemy only has scanner turrets you can use a jammer on your ship and take your time sniping the turrets
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    Nov 10, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Railman Gold
    • Thinking Positive
    Jammers have their place in PVP, since players depend on seeing the navigation icon to see the opponent. Turrets would give away the position, but generally can be easily picked off if those involved are using roughly the same sized ship. Becomes even more OP when you are using ships without turrets if you got good piloting skills.

    Not to mention some of the ranges people fight at, where all you can see is a spec, a hail of fire and a Nav beacon to locate the target. Take out the beacon and see how easy that is to hit.

    But yeah, Jammers are quite the opposite of "undesired", and are more or less a PvP tool, rather than something for PvE against AI (Lowers their accuracy though, iirc).

    Edit; as for the suggestion... Scanners themselves take up space, which is limited on a turret. It could also render stealth ships useless. So I'll have to pass on this.


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    • Councillor 2 Gold
    • Railman Gold
    • Thinking Positive Gold
    A jammer means that you can't be targeted by lock-on missiles, which is a GIGANTIC advantage. Other than that, have you ever tried to locate an enemy without the use of nav or arrows? It's pretty hard.
    Sep 15, 2013
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    I think it would be great if cloakers powerconsumption would rather scale on the size of the ship´s surface, then on the block´s mass, This makes more sense i think and also cloaking should:
    -remove the ships shield while active
    -consume only a very small amount of energy
    -glass and crystal armor and all not structural surfaceblocks should consume multiple as much power as strucural surfaceblocks
    + unless cover with doors
    -cloaked ships can not be seen or detected with anything, but they have to create a certain sound (like ping...ping ) to
    other (not faction) ships
    -the stealth effect will be removed after the ship gets damaged, but will recover
    (time depends on amount of blocks beeing hit)
    - if the cloaked ships shoots/colides or opens exterieur doors stealth will be removed for a short time aswell

    overall this changes will make stealth ships more something between quickstriking stealthbomber and bulky submarines
    also this makes much bigger ships beeing able to use stealth feature and fighting them will be hard for bigships but easy to crush them with small-medium sized ships

    i dont actually know how this will be in pvp but i think it sounds great fun :)