Turret Control

    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    So I have my turrets set to "Selected target" and noticed some loser was spawncamping and went to drill some proper nettiquette into his head/core. It went a bit like this:

    Newbie: i am gettg kild by dis guy halp meh.

    Spawncamping loser: stfu nub u r teh suk

    Me: lolol i pwnz this luzer rofl.

    *Insert 9001 hit combo involving AMCs, Missiles, Turrets, Cats meme, and a giant beam sword the size of the a internet troll's ego*

    *[MESSAGE]Spawncamping loser has been killed by Ubership(War_Dog)*

    Spawncamping loser: omg i am ded.

    *[MESSAGE]Spawncamping loser has left the game*

    Newbie: yey

    *Muscle memory causes me to lock onto the newbie's single-core ship*

    Me: NO NO NO F*CK

    *[MESSAGE]Newbie has been killed by Ubership(War_Dog)*

    Newbie: I H8 U!!!111!!!ONE11!!!ONEHUNDREDELEVEN!!11!.

    *[MESSAGE]Newbie has left the game*

    Me: :'<

    Turrets have now officially caused more unwanted faction wars in one week than SD-KBs ever have during my entire time playing.

    I propose the following changes:

    1. An "Unlock Target" key.

    2. Turrets on selected fire now cease fire once you disable lock.

    3. Add a way to activate AI blocks from the core of the docked ship. (We DO have a currently useless AI tab...)

    4. Turrets do not fire on invulnerable objects, whether it be a shop or faction home.

    5. Turrets should fire on other docked turrets.

    6. Add a way to determine turret facing. Currently turrets docked upside down will face backwards no matter what you do.

    7. Docked objects with active AI should reactivate its AI once the players leaves.

    Also, turrets that are set to any will fire at other faction members if said members are in an unclaimed ship or outside a ship if the faction settings are set to "Enemy to neutral". Yet they won't fire on trading ships in the same circumstances.
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    xD should i be laughing this much?

    i agree though, it should unlock any targets once it has destroyedits current target, also +1000 for the reactivating AI idea... we need dis
    Oct 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Purchased!
    • Legacy Citizen
    I aggree on all points.

    I would add:

    A key that orders all docked turrets to attack my currently selected target.

    A key that orders all docked turrets to stop shooting and/or clear targeting orders.
    Nov 2, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    All these are good suggestions, but for me, points 6 and 7 are indispensable.
    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    Maybe with \"f\" as \"set target1 \", we could have another set of turrets that are linked to another key, like, say, \"g\", as \"set target 2\" with that other set of turrets firing at the other target?