Turret barrels clipping through other entities

    Feb 4, 2015
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    I have two turret barrels side by side. Barrel number 1 has hull blocks that entrap barrel number 2. Barrel number 2 has hull blocks that lock it to barrel number 1. When activated, barrel number 2 clips right through both sets of hull blocks to aim itself. It will do this every time, even after docking/undocking and resetting all turrets. See picture. I assume this is a bug? lol

    Aug 14, 2013
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    I can't even understand why you have two independent barrels next to each other and are attempting to capture them together. Turrets are only meant to use a single base with a single barrel, adding multiple barrels confuses the system as they conflict on which target to track when the turrets don't agree, think two headed troll. It's quite possible that they don't even do a collision check for brother/sister entities.

    If you want to have the barrels locked together but have independent AI of each other but have them parented together do what I did, mount your first barrel, then dock a second barrel to the first using a rail docker. It's a fixed dock so it won't move and has no control over the base.
    Feb 4, 2015
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    I can't even understand why you have two independent barrels next to each other and are attempting to capture them together. Turrets are only meant to use a single base with a single barrel, adding multiple barrels confuses the system as they conflict on which target to track when the turrets don't agree, think two headed troll. It's quite possible that they don't even do a collision check for brother/sister entities.

    If you want to have the barrels locked together but have independent AI of each other but have them parented together do what I did, mount your first barrel, then dock a second barrel to the first using a rail docker. It's a fixed dock so it won't move and has no control over the base.
    It may be hard for you to see in the picture provided, but barrel 2 is docked to barrel 1, not the base at all. Barrel 2 even has another turret axis to mount a future barrel 3!

    Also, using a rail docker to mount the second barrel will result in the 2nd barrel reverting to "ship" instead of staying as a turret.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    It may be hard for you to see in the picture provided, but barrel 2 is docked to barrel 1, not the base at all. Barrel 2 even has another turret axis to mount a future barrel 3!

    Also, using a rail docker to mount the second barrel will result in the 2nd barrel reverting to "ship" instead of staying as a turret.
    Docked ships can still be activated and use AI to fire at enemies. I used "fixed" guns all the time. I think this only doesn't work on AMS weapons. Under the weapons tab you just have to hit the activate ship selection instead of turrets. Give it a try, it should do what you want and solve your clipping issue, unless you are trying to make these AMS turrets.
    Feb 4, 2015
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    Docked ships can still be activated and use AI to fire at enemies. I used "fixed" guns all the time. I think this only doesn't work on AMS weapons. Under the weapons tab you just have to hit the activate ship selection instead of turrets. Give it a try, it should do what you want and solve your clipping issue, unless you are trying to make these AMS turrets.
    Unfortunately, I have to use AMS for my point defense turrets....nothing else seems to work worth a darn, although AMS dont seem to work worth more than half a darn either....sigh


    Head of Testing
    Aug 20, 2013
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    I've noticed this too, some rail entities don't collide with other entities. Yours is 1 example, another is that for example a gun barrel doesn't collide with undocked entities (as in, huge barrel will go through other ships). It only checks that if the entity is piloted I believe so this could be the same issue.

    I don't think it's reported though, would need to make sure what the real issue is though.