Turret AI problem

    May 25, 2015
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    So I feel like an idiot with so many people having turrets work just fine, but mine just sit there without responding. I think it is something very basic that I am not doing or connecting correctly. I have a station built into a planet that I have added the turret rotation axis onto. I build a basic turret (for testing purposes) that has the core, 2-4 power reactors, a weapons computer module (been testing with all different types), 2-6 corresponding weapons modules, a rail docker, and a bobby ai. I drop from orbit/maneuver it and successfully dock it to turret axis on station. In manual it rotates and fires just fine. I hop out and activate the turret to "turret" and "any" and check the activate button. Then sign off and start a new character in the same world to attack the base and it sits there and does nothing.
    In one forum thread I read that the ai has to be next to the core and weapons computers. So I tried this. I dissected the Isanth ships and noticed that the ai is in front looking out, so I tested this on the turret. It still sits there doing nothing. I tried using the connect "C then V" to connect the ai to the weapons computers. They still just sit there. I also read something about having thrusters and tried adding these to no avail.
    So what basic thing am I not doing. I will not be insulted by step by step instructions either.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    Just a couple things to check.

    Make sure the bobby AI is on the entity with the actual weapon. It will automatically use all available weapons on that entity. So if you have a turret base for rotation left and right and another rotator attached to that for up and down with a weapon on it make sure the bobby AI is on the bit with the weapon.

    Attack any actually means attack any enemy set by faction
    So create a faction. Faction your planet or ship. Dock turret should inherit the faction it docked to or make sure the turret bits are also your faction.
    Next attack any will only attack factions that are hostile.
    Pirates are always set to hostile so that shouldn't be an issue but you need to be in a faction I think.
    There is a setting in your faction settings that will make a faction hostile if it attacks you. Not sure what triggers that exactly but it should shoot back not sure it just requires being hit or losing a block.
    There is also a setting which says all neutrals are hostile. Some servers might not like you doing this.

    Hope this sorts your issue.
    May 25, 2015
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    Solved now. Thank you for the help. The issue was in how I was testing. I created a new character, but didn't create a new faction so it was seen as neutral (despite firing at the base). Once I had that character create a faction and declare war it started responding.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1432931328,1432929942][/DOUBLEPOST]Solved and thank you for the replies. The issue was in how I was testing the turret. I had just created a new character but that was being treated as neutral (despite the attack because of the faction settings). Once I had the testing character create a faction and declare war, the turret started firing.