Turion Republic: A NPC Faction Project

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    The Turion Republic is a project I've been working on since the fleet submission contest. Originally I was under the belief that we were doing more than making fleets but the factions themselves and when that wasn't the case I was actually somewhat glad that my submission wasn't accepted. It's more fun to make the entire faction and as such I have been. When i'm done this project's faction should be one of the most extensive factions at the very least on par with the official Trading Guild, Outcasts and Scavengers.

    So far I have a good bit of history, lore and ships done. This thread is where i'll post anything and everything related to the project. Suggestions, critique and assistance are gladly accepted.

    To boot things off we have the Scepter Fighter Jet.

    The Scepter is in lore an age old design for the Turion people. It's original hull model served in wars before space travel within the Turion system was common and through the ages the hull has been upgraded and re-purposed for aerial engagements in and out of atmospheric conditions. It's not just a fighter to the Turion people it's an icon of Turion strength and resilience.

    A Turion Colonial Guard recruitment poster featuring Scepters in the background.

    In game the Scepter serves it's use as a fighter well enough. It comes equipped with cannons and dumbfire missiles in lieu of gauss cannons and features a small jumpdrive along with plexdoor based remote landing gear. It does suffer from powergrid issues requiring the pilot to use controlled firing to avoid losing full power.

    You can acquire the Scepter now through the Turion Military Surplus Market.

    I'll be adding more to this OP when I can so expect to see an influx of new stuff over the course of the rest of the year.

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    The Spammer Of Nukes
    Aug 23, 2015
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    Nb. Could use some casual engine pornography, but the boner is still there.


    Official Source of Blame
    Oct 2, 2013
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    Banner courtesy of FlyingDebris
    The Turion Republic is a project I've been working on since the fleet submission contest. Originally I was under the belief that we were doing more than making fleets but the factions themselves and when that wasn't the case I was actually somewhat glad that my submission wasn't accepted. It's more fun to make the entire faction and as such I have been. When i'm done this project's faction should be one of the most extensive factions at the very least on par with the official Trading Guild, Outcasts and Scavengers.

    So far I have a good bit of history, lore and ships done. This thread is where i'll post anything and everything related to the project. Suggestions, critique and assistance are gladly accepted.

    To boot things off we have the Scepter Fighter Jet.

    The Scepter is in lore an age old design for the Turion people. It's original hull model served in wars before space travel within the Turion system was common and through the ages the hull has been upgraded and re-purposed for aerial engagements in and out of atmospheric conditions. It's not just a fighter to the Turion people it's an icon of Turion strength and resilience.

    A Turion Colonial Guard recruitment poster featuring Scepters in the background.

    In game the Scepter serves it's use as a fighter well enough. It comes equipped with cannons and dumbfire missiles in lieu of gauss cannons and features a small jumpdrive along with plexdoor based remote landing gear. It does suffer from powergrid issues requiring the pilot to use controlled firing to avoid losing full power.

    I'll be adding more to this OP when I can so expect to see an influx of new stuff over the course of the rest of the year.
    Looks pretty neat so far. What about the faction's personality and behaviours though, since they're more or less confirmed to be customisable? Aggressiveness, expansionism, trading, etc? And surely a few more ship pictures couldn't hurt :P Again, great work so far though. Might have to do one of these myself :P
    Aug 29, 2015
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    This looks interesting, consider me intrigued.

    Is there any word yet one what ship classes need to exist to give proper functionality to a NPC faction?

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
    Oct 13, 2013
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    This looks interesting, consider me intrigued.

    Is there any word yet one what ship classes need to exist to give proper functionality to a NPC faction?
    NPC Factions have ship roles which are attached to blueprints. The roles assigned by the server admin or faction creator specify what the ship does. Currently there's several roles but the most important is the mining and salvaging role along with the combat role. Currently i'm working on getting a mining frigate done. Apart from the mining frigate all I need is to build a station and then the faction will be able to function on a basic rudimentary level.

    Have a station WIP picture btw. ;)


    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    Alright UPDOOT. Prepare for image overdose. :)

    First here we have a little tank I made

    You'll find these parked in stations or freighters probably. Planets too once that's a thing for NPC factions.

    Next up we have the frigate

    It's a pretty decent overall combat ship. Attacked right it can be taken down with some simple stuff but it also can blow you away if it gets the first hit on unsuspecting victims.

    Inspiration for it came from Battle Star Galactica and the KotOR Hammerhead.

    I do think I might need to touch up the interior just a tiny bit but it's pretty solid at the moment.

    You can expect to see the tank on the CC soon. ;)


    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    This has quickly become my favorite build in a very long time.
    Well, you'll be happy to know you aren't the only one who feels that way. It is an exceptionally nice ship. You're builds are getting better and better every ship. I look forward to seeing how you have progressed a few months from now.

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
    Oct 13, 2013
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    Well, you'll be happy to know you aren't the only one who feels that way. It is an exceptionally nice ship. You're builds are getting better and better every ship. I look forward to seeing how you have progressed a few months from now.
    Well it's not inherently that. It's just harder to detail angled sides like the frigate has. :/
