    Oct 30, 2013
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    Yes, its another Transporter/Teleporter topic. But this one is fully explained on how it would work on the player's end. The Coding Schema will have to figure out.

    My transporter idea, is based largely on Star Trek. My idea is, you have a transporter modual, that is capeable of transporting to any other transporter modual in range, say 100KM or so, maybe range is adjustable by enhancers, just like docking area. It would be faction controlled, so no enemy factions would be jumping aboard your ship with your transporter. The moduals would require a significan't amount of power on both ends to opperate. Each transporter should be nameable, or inherit the name of whatever their part of, for example, player is transporting from USS Enterprise, Modual registered as USS Enterprise Transporter 001 to Starbase 01 Transporter Modual 001. With this system in place, Ships are still needed, and players cannot just transport themselves acrost the universe, unless some sort of relay was set up. Even then such a relay system would be vulnerable to attack, and be very costly to set up and build. Any thoughts on this?
    Oct 30, 2013
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    Yes, though this system would require the target location to have it\'s own transporter already installed. You would beam from transporter to transporter.
    Jan 27, 2014
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    I think this would be a pretty cool addition. The code behind it should/could be fairly simple since it could use mostly existing features within the game.

    I base this off a few assumptions and feel free to correct me if I am wrong. First assumption being that there is already functionality in the code to allow for teleportation, through admin commands/spawning. Using that I would look into modifying the code used for the Spawn point block to create a player placed block that could be used as a \"transponder\". So you would place that on the planet surface, and then have a block on the ship that would zap you to the transponder.

    Now I will say as a caveat, that when I say simple, I mean functionally and theoretically. There are a number of things that could potentially cause issues and I also admit to not having the slightest idea of what Schema\'s code behind this game looks like so implementing it could be far more difficult than assumed.

    First step - Creating the module for the ship. I would first try and create a block that just calls the teleporting function already in the game, be it a console command or just the kill/respawn, using the set spawn point as the target. Get that working and test it near, far, etc.

    Number of issues could include: How the spawn location is handled, since the variable is likely held in a player specific class, it could be a bit of work implementing that variable into a ship module, let alone being able to freely change it via the \"transponder\" could be tricky.

    I will admit I have not even looked into how easy this game is to mod or if it even can be at this stage in development so this may be something that has to wait for mod support or for Schema to implement himself. Anyway I have tons more I can add to the above but honestly unless there is an interest from enough folks I\'d rather not waste time typing out a novel.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Agreed. If for civillian use, then just take a shuttle. If for boarding parties, the OP said you couldn\'t beam onto other factions\'s ships. So it\'s best just to board manually.
    Oct 24, 2013
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    In all honesty, it would probably be easier to implement teleportation/trasporters in more of a \"site to site\" useage, like from the bridge to a cargo bay, or from the transporter room to the starbase/planet, the largest gripe that I keep on finding is that people want transporters to be able to shuttle them across the galaxy, instead of having to fly a ship there. Personally, I would be much, much happier if every time I wanted to leave a ship or something in orbit over a planet, I did not have to pop a core, and fly back up to it, or make a vehicle that is capable of escaping planetary gravity.

    TL;DR: Shorter ranges, as in under 500m, or under 1000m
    Jan 27, 2014
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    A simple check of distance betweem pads should be fairly straight forward. I think it should have a power requirement as well as Renic suggests but I think a slight change to it could work well. This is just opinion but I don\'t think tiny fighters should be able to have this ability in all it\'s glory. I think at the most if, you make it so the \"pad\" is supplied it\'s power via the module then that would be okay to have in smaller ships.

    What I mean by that is, you dock your craft at a station with a transporter. You link your pad to the powered module on the station and can teleport into the common area of the station.

    This way it would be useful in different applications and ship sizes but limit people from being able to just drop a module and pad to teleport all over, say, a planets surface with out at least building some supprting infrastructure.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I really like the relay idea, and feel it could be the answer to the FTL issues, you TP your ships along a chain of relays, the limit to size would be based on how big a trasporter can move, and the it wouldnt be too OP as it would have a travel time when appearing and disappearing at each relay point
    Aug 9, 2013
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    The telporter on the ship would have to call a specific location that would have to set every time the teleport is used and I would probaly need the ship to be orantated the same way as the other telporter so we have no heads in walls/floors the ship would also need to not be moving during this.
    Jan 27, 2014
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    I just had an idea in regards to the implementation of NPCs. Maybe make a requirement to have the powered module be manned by an NPC. So in order for it to function there needs to be someone standing by to \"flip the switch\" so to speak. It would create another use for NPC crew in larger ships and stations, as well as act as another control in place to keep it from being too OP.

    I like the depth that comes from having your various gameplay mechanics depend upon/modify each other. I think it adds a lot to the experience that comes from having to plan/design ship and station layouts. Maybe even have the number or relative skill (if that will even be a feature) of the crew effect the functioning or performance of the system.
    Jan 27, 2014
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    I don\'t think dealing with the orientation would be super difficult. If it\'s a module that is linked to a ship or station core then I would imagine you could grab the orientation information from the ship/station. Again, since I\'ve never poked around in Schema\'s code I can\'t say for certain but I think this could be dealt with.

    With that said though, I agree that dealing with this when movement is involved would be considerably more complex of an issue. Though as I type this out I had an idea that could make it easier to deal with.

    Make the module/pad a cockpit like block. What I mean is, instead of just having your guy appear standing at XYZ location, have it function in a similar way as player in a core or cockpit so you appear, inside a block so to speak and then exit the block.

    It could possibly make the whole implementation a tad easier as well. Think of it like moving your view around multiple cockpits in a ship. You enter the pad on your fighter. If your fighter is within range of a valid/unlocked module, then you can be teleported to the module and then just exit that module. It would still be some serious work implementing that but it seems like it would be possible and alleviate your mentioned issues.

    I\'d love to start working on a mod to maybe see this come to light, or at the very minimum just to experiment with the idea for fun, but it\'s unfortunately so early in the games development that it would either be impossible or quickly made obsolete with changes to the game. Not to mention I don\'t have as much time to just sit and code monkey away for hours on end like I used to.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    you know space is infinite and how we can travel fast long distances?
    we may use teleperters, maybe they can be gates...

    First and only comment

    The trouble with making teleporters long range is the game would lose it\'s point, even if it required massive power, because there would be no need for ships. Teleporters are a planned feature but short range, probably ship to ship for boarding parties and stuff.

    Not 100 km, or you can add it to warp threads :)


    Dec 31, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5 (2013-12-30)

    you know space is infinite and how we can travel fast long distances?
    we may use teleperters, maybe they can be gates...

    First and only comment

    The trouble with making teleporters long range is the game would lose it\'s point, even if it required massive power, because there would be no need for ships. Teleporters are a planned feature but short range, probably ship to ship for boarding parties and stuff.

    Not 100 km, or you can add it to warp threads :) (2014-01-12)

    Do you know StarGate Ringtransporter?

    We already can teleport from core to core, but you never know which core is the next one.

    Build blocks don\'t let you get to another core, but are a target. Also it disables AI.

    A dedicated (1/2 to 2/3 sector)-ranged transporter system could be fun itself, make building (or have fun with) a large ship or base easier (you can skip some tunnels) and work from planets to orbiting titans too.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    I say the range of one transporter should be limited to about 1 KM (Half a sector in game). Everything else I like.
    Oct 30, 2013
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    Ok, people are talking about transporting whole ships and setting up a relay system. This defeats my original idea.
    this is a player activated block, you activate it with R, a menue will come up, it will be a list of all other transporter blocks in range. it beams the player to the other block. NOT the ships. If you want to move a ship, look at FTL systems, this is a personel transport system. Intended to make it easier to work in a spacedock, to beam from station to ship, ship to ship, and ship to planet, not whole ships, and not intended to be a relay to move rapidly acrost the galaxy. That defeats the whole purpose of having ships.

    [] = transporter block
    P = Player

    ---- =travel
    here is how it works

    [] P STATION 01 -------------------------------------------------------------------[] P SHIP 01

    not moving whole ships. and not moving acrost the galaxy.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    it beams the player to the other block. NOT the ships

    Yes, I would beam and build my ship with inventar-items over there.

    Seriously now:

    • It could take more energy for every item in your inventar (just as a transition until that is balanced)
    • Or be used on servers without blueprints.