Tractor beams

    Jun 28, 2013
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    A problem with bigt ships fighting little tiny ships is that they are very very maneuverable. Or if you are in a fleet and you just cannot reach the core block of a giant ship because that ship is moving, fights could take forever.

    Now, I suggest tractor beams be implemented. They basically cut down the thrusting power and hold a ship in place, but to fully stop a big ship you need lots and lots of tractor beam blocks in a giant array. Multiple arrays won't do anything, so that way you can have a tractor-based support ship. Tiny ships that have a lot of thrust relative to their size can also be harder to slow.

    Hope you like my idea :3


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    You want the ability to have a two block long fruit fly of a ship to be able to stop an already unmaneuverable two thousand block long narwhal of a ship dead in its tracks, so you can peck away at its ten million shields for four hours, with no chance of escape or fighting back from the person who actually took time to build said ship?
    Sep 9, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
    Sounds a lot like power-drain beams, which are already in the game.

    However, i do strongly agree with the other \"tractor beam\" suggestions that would allow you tractor beam a ship into a docking bay.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    I said a lot of beams would be required to stop a giant ship, for example in order to slow down a ship with 1 million mass you would need like one hundred thousand beam units.

    Also power drain beams cut the supply of power to the thruster but the momentum is still there.

    Oh and could be still able to turn, only slower or something. Don\'t forget turrets are still OP as hell.